Thursday, April 28, 2011

Video Chat on Your Android Phone

Sometimes, the expressions on a person's face can mean much more than what they say. To help you stay in touch with your friends and family, we’re launching Google Talk with video and voice chat for Android phones.

You can now video or voice chat with your friends, family and colleagues right from your Android phone, whether they’re on their compatible Android tablet or phone, or using Gmail with Google Talk on their computer. You can make calls over a 3G or 4G data network (if your carrier supports it) or over Wi-Fi.


In your Google Talk friends list, a video or voice chat button will appear next to your contacts and you can simply touch the button to connect with them. Any text chats from the person you’re talking with will be overlaid on your phone’s screen so you can read them without having to leave the video. And, if you need to check something else, the video pauses automatically so you can go back to your phone’s home screen or another app. The audio will keep going even though the video has paused. Check out how this works:

Google Talk with video and voice chat will gradually roll out to Nexus S devices in the next few weeks as part of the Android 2.3.4 over-the-air update and will launch on other Android 2.3+ devices in the future. To learn more about using video and voice chat, check out our Help Center.

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  1. When will T-Mobile G2 users (and everyone else) get the 2.3 update?

  2. The Nexus series is a developer phone. They will see all updates first. You won't see this on anything else for at least 3 months or more.

  3. When the manufacturer updates them.

  4. Why don't they make this gtalk update available via the Market like they do for maps and such?

  5. Will this feature be released to like other devices, say iPhone users?

  6. Extremely lame to push this as part of firmware instead of via Market. Everyone with Froyo or even older versions of Gingerbread is left out!

  7. What about support for Nexus One?... I'll be more than happy to use a mirror! ;-)

  8. Just keep an eye on XDA, folks. No doubt they'll have this ported to other 2.3 phones within a week or so.

  9. it looks like Google is in race with Skype/QIK and Fring :) for video calls...

  10. I'm with @derkling on the Nexus one idea.

  11. Is it finally supporting multiple Gtalk accounts? I use fring instead because gtalk app is tied to my main phone account,witch is corporate, whereas all my buddies are on my personal Gmail account.

  12. Google doesn't publicly admit that Nexus S is really meant for developers. You all need to hang tight, and let the pros work out the kinks first. THEN you get to complain :)

  13. Where is Gingerbread for the G2?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  14. The fragmentation sucks. All these pieces should be on Android Market at not put customer at the mercy of the lazy manufacturers and carriers. Also, CyanogenMod exists not because people want to root their phones - it's because people are tired of waiting! So, you should partially at least fix this problem by putting all core pieces on the Market - just like it is the case with Gmail, etc.

  15. Presumably this is not for us mere Europeans?

  16. My Nexus S is still on version 2.3.1
    I don't use a carrier at this point, I only use it over WiFi. Will I still get this update? (I'm in the US)
    Thanks a lot!

  17. One more vote for Gingerbread on the G2...

  18. Will be good to be able to make/receive Google voice phone calls as well, using wifi or 3G, from android tablet or smartphone directly

  19. The reason you need Gingerbread is for the front-facing camera API's. Google's not going to hack in support for nonstandard features baked in by phone manufacturers.

  20. I hope we get voice chat over Gtalk on the Nexus One at least even though we can't video chat.

  21. Once again, I am thrilled that I raced out and purchased an Eris. Sadly, after hockey season ends I won't be able to rent it out to anyone as a puck.

  22. Hey Google we want it for iPhone too!

  23. Google! please update Gtalk for Windows and also bring it to iPhone!

  24. i upgraded the s from 2.3.1 to 2.3.3 using some sites. even nexus one can go to 2.3.3. happy upgrading

  25. To all of you saying that it should be in Market — it WILL be! It just requires OS 2.3+. From the post:
    «Google Talk with video and voice chat … will launch on other Android 2.3+ devices in the future»
    of course, since fragmentation doesn't exist, that should be no problem.

  26. It's so painful everytime you only make updates available for only a small portion of Android phones. You should put the OS version in the title blog, so that we don't get excited unnnecesarily for folks who have ancient 2.2 OS and still can't update.

  27. You might have left the building, but you can still keep your conversations going, with Yahoo! Messenger on your Android phone. Stay in touch with your IM friends with a brand new version of Yahoo! Messenger that will keep you connected and available.

  28. Thanks Google for this. Could you please make sure that this application has access to bluetooth devices? I am tired of Fring as it is not forwarding the voice to my bluetooth headset

  29. So when are you planning to provide support for Indic languages?

  30. sweet! Google is doing great work!

    PS... update the G2

  31. Is there no way to bring this to 2.2 phones via the Market? I really like to use Google Talk for overseas calls since the rates are so good.

  32. Nice to get updates from Google

  33. Every time that I try to start a video call over 3g it says "You must be connected to a Wi-Fi network to start a video chat". What am I doing wrong? The post states "You can make calls over a 3G or 4G data network (if your carrier supports it)..." Does T-mobile not support this feature?

  34. I just updated my T-Mobile Nexus S to 2.3.4 and the video and voice calls work great over Wi-Fi, but once I'm on 3G, I get an error dialog saying "You must be connected to a Wi-Fi network to start a video/voice chat." If a voice or video invitation comes in when on 3G, a notification comes on saying I missed the call because I wasn't on Wi-Fi. I see no settings in Talk or the System relating to accepting or denying calls when on various network types. What gives?

  35. Video chat doesn't work over T-Mobile 3G. What's up with that??

  36. Getting the same "You must be connected to a Wi-Fi network to start a video chat." comment. Has anyone confirmed that T-Mobile 3G doesn't support video chat via Google Talk?

  37. thanks for sharing this great news but is there any news that when this update comes for the other android devices.


  38. Very Good !
    In the EU Market, make sure a full set of tools goes with it : TEXT TRANSLATION and while video-chatting, this is very helpful for businesses , corporations, stores, factories , hospitals , professionals and students ,etc.,

    If Google and partners market this wisely and cheap to start, they will achieve huge penetration in many markets where there is room to grow, so go for it !

    ( to break any complains in the EU and other markets , you may consider fring and skype on the side too ) SET A HIGH STANDARD OF QUALITY AND WIN THE MINDS.

  39. Well we will not see this on the Samsung Galaxy S as samsung are not giving us gingerbread thanks android new i should of got APPLE stop this fragmentation

  40. This is sweet!

    I wonder if users will be able to send video or voice messages to contacts similar to what can be done with the current google talk features. I for instance would like to send short voice messages without beeing connected to the counterpart, i currently use the app heytell for the voice messages now but it would be Awsome if Android would support this functionality out-of-the-box.

    The main thing is that I can send voice messages to both online and offline contacts and that the can listen to these messages when they choose to.

  41. This is very nice to hear. Android is developing faster than I thought. I also heard in a website that android phones are preffered more than iphone right now.

  42. wow nice bro, i cant wait to have Android

  43. I am using Nexus S,i9023,which is running GRI54,KB3.

    And I haven't received OTA.

  44. ATTN: GOOGLE, VERY IMP: I have been using my Nexus S for past couple of months, I have noticed the android stock keyboard has crashed numerous times. It is really frustrating as sometimes you need to restart the phone to get it working fine again. Kindly look in to it..

  45. I made a voice call to my friend but could not use the phone's internal speaker. Only Speakerphone? Come on!

  46. To be honest, unless gtalk@android supports multiple accounts other than the main one, any function is useless to me (and I believe to many others, too)

  47. Beautiful, one more time a feature that no one can use but 1% of the user base.

    It's one of the reasons i'll never get or suggest an android phone when non geek persons ask me what they should use : Too much maintenance if rooted, too few updates if not rooted. An iPhone is a vastly better and more secure choice.

  48. Just keep an eye on XDA, folks. No doubt they'll have this ported to other 2.3 phones within a week or so

  49. Simply I can say this website is the World of Entertainment and Technology applications and many more..... It has hundreds of gaming and other mobile applications and still they are adding new apps.

  50. Nexus S(i9023):Android 2.3.3


    Someone who has the same version as me received OTA,but they can't finish updating successfully.

  51. Recieved OTA and got it installed. Working good. :-)

  52. I have a similar problem, doesn't support video chat over 3G ? Why is that ?does anyone know why ?

  53. Where can I get this for my Nexus S?

  54. Yesterday I've tried it to call gmail <=> nexus s - it's sucks.
    There no any way initiate just a voice call. UI is too poor yet...

  55. I don't really use Google Talk now but I have used it on my computer before and tried it when I 1st got my EVO. I was told the EVO 4G will get GB 2.3 soon but who knows if it's true and when. The EVO 3D will be out soon. But I have been using the new Fring Video Chat and it keeps disconnecting me in the middle of a chat.

  56. I hope we'll se at least voice chat coming to the N1. Personally I'm more interested in that than video anyway. I don't want to fix my hair etc when answering the phone.

  57. Hmmm, on 2.3.4 and no video chat option :(

  58. BlackBerry Mobile Phones comes in various models based on the different features so that large number of population should be covered.

  59. On 2.3.4 now and for those who are waiting for OTA on Nexus S ....register your phone on Samsung website, you will receive OTA in an hour.

  60. Wi-Fi only? way to kowtow to the terrorists (verizon/at&t) Google. do no evil, huh?

  61. Funny thing is I'm running that very app on my gingerbread HTC evo right now and its working great.

  62. got it 2.3.4 Nexus S In Germany....nice, it works great.

  63. Wow what a nice mobiles blog...
    i have never seen such a nice blog...
    i like it...
    Thanks for sharing..
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  64. Hey,
    Does anyone know if you can use the front facing and rear facing camera on a nexus s 4g with the the build in video chat? I have heard you can only use the front facing camera?


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