Voice Search in Russian, Polish, Czech and Turkish

Thursday, October 21, 2010 | 7:31 PM

Over the past few weeks we have launched Voice Search in four new languages: Russian, Polish, Czech and Turkish. Try speaking queries like “концерты Юлии Савичевой” (tour dates for Yulia Savicheva), “przepis na pierogi” (recipes for pierogi), “obrázky Hradčan” (pictures of the Prague castle), or “istanbul hava durumu” (weather in Istanbul). Note that you can only speak one language into the app at any time and that you’ll need to change your language setting first.

Voice Search is often preloaded on new Android devices. In that case, all you have to do is press and hold the search button and then speak your query. If you have an Android (2.0 or higher) phone but don’t have Voice Search installed, download the “Voice Search” app from Android Market. If you own an iPhone or other smartphone, you can download Google Mobile App with Voice Search from m.google.com


Unknown said...

please add German language as soon as possible, too!!!

Icon said...

German is already available since a long time! Just dowload "Sprachsuche" from Google Inc. from the Market!!

pbv302 said...

Anyting for us way up in Sweden!??

supermatty said...

Can't find Voice Search on the Android Market! In Canada, running on a Motorola Milestone with 2.1-update1. What's the deal?

Ksawery said...

Not happy with this. My 1st language is Polish, but I live and work in an English speaking environment.

I'm not going to switch back and forth all the time.

Anonymous said...

Since you have added these 3 Slavic languages, why not add Serbian/Croatian as well? We'd really appreciate it :)

Unknown said...

Please add the german Voice search to the austrian market for Android 1.6 users


Wojtek said...

It would be great for people who use 2 languages on a daily basis to have both available at the same time without having to go to the settings to switch the language. Still excited that this is available


Unknown said...

How about voice search in Polish for BlackBerry users. When?
And yes, in the future you should think about your bilingual users.

Unknown said...

+1 for German language in voice actions - I am missing this feature every day...

Juan Pablo Morelli said...

Why cant we choose the language we want to use for voice search ? And what about latin american. Im from Argentina and here we speak spanish too, like in spain ! Why we dont have this option enabled ?

BeachVic said...

When I try to do a voice search saying "call 'john doe', mobile phone" all it does is search google for what I said. It may be because I am not an English native speaker. Google voice search engine fails for non English native speakers!! Optimization options!!, Suugestions!!

Unknown said...

Nice! More and more languages are coming! :) I hope Swedish will be in the next new languages. :)

Unknown said...

We would like to see new Languages in Symbian Google Search application too. :)

dave said...

how about hebrew and hungarian?

also, if you could turn it on with your voice it would be nice.. it's hard to swipe screen while driving..

Unknown said...

erm can we have it in english please? not american?

Jan Derk said...

Many of us speak multiple languages and are switching between them constantly. My life on the Internet is mostly English while it is Dutch locally.

Please make Android a bilingual robot. Allow us to specify multiple languages for keyboards and voice search. Language settings should be AND not OR.

Omer said...

Good to know that my droid will understand my mother language, Turkish. But, unfortunately I agree with the majority. I use the English Settings and I will not switch back and forth. So, it will not have any use for me.

Víctor said...

I had Voice Search Spanish at android 1.6. My Tattoo reseted and I couldn't find it again in the market.

Is there any restriction to find it? Do I need an specific language configuration?

Unknown said...

Great, if only Swedish was available...

Unknown said...

When does this great navigation app get available for us swedes. Swedes love this kind of gadgets :-)

Unknown said...

Youre saying that if I have Android 2.0 or higher Ill be able to see Voice Search in android market - I have HTC Legend with 2.1-update1 and theres nothing like that...so wheres the fault ? Is that all a big fat lie ??

BZZ said...

When is Dutch added? We have a lot of Android users over here!

Zibaia said...

What about Portuguese? It's the 7th most spoken language in the World...


The Editors said...

I love this app on my Android phone. But speaking both English and Japanese, I agree with the other folks who seem to want it to work with more than one language at a time, or at least be able to quickly toggle between one language and another.

jose said...

Is Portuguese available?
How to find out a specific language?
In my Voice Search all application UI is in Portuguese, however it looks like it only reckognizes English when I wanna tell something to the app.!
Thx for your help!

Anonymous said...

@jose Portugese is available. With Android Froyo (2.2) go to Settings > Voice Input > Voice Recognizer settings > Language and choose Portuguese

Anonymous said...

Today Dutch is available!