Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Google Voice for iPhone

(cross-posted from the Google Voice Blog)

Earlier this year we launched a Google Voice HTML5 web app for iPhone users. Today we’re taking the Google Voice experience on the iPhone to a whole new level with the launch of the official Google Voice for iPhone app.

With this native app, you’ll continue to have access to all the major Google Voice features on your iPhone, like:
  • Cheap rates for international calls
  • Free text messaging to U.S. numbers
  • Voicemail transcription
  • Display your Google Voice number as caller ID when making calls
In addition to these benefits, the app provides some features that make using Google Voice on your iPhone a much better experience:
  • With push notifications, the app will alert you instantly when you receive a new voicemail or text message
  • Most of your calls will be placed via Direct Access Numbers, making them connect just as quickly as regular phone calls

Google Voice for iPhone is available to download from the Apple App Store today. You’ll need an iPhone with iOS 3.1 or later and a valid Google Voice account to use the app. At this time, Google Voice is available in the U.S. only.


  1. are you able to place calls using the wifi network?

  2. Has anyone been able to find this app in the iTunes Store? I can't locate it at all!

  3. Is this due to overwhelming demand? The app is nowhere to be found...

  4. you have to download it through itunes on your computer then load it on your iphone. go figure...

  5. Thank you so much for this app. I'll definitely be downloading when it's available in the App store.

  6. Damn it still dials out though the iphone dialer....no free calls.

  7. Why be generous to the Apple users? Should've made them wait until Google Voice was rolled out internationally for Android users.

    Google needs to do more to differentiate Android from the iPhone. Navigation is not enough.

  8. If you can't find it in the AppStore from your iPhone, search for "google-voice" (without the quotation marks, but with the hyphen).

  9. While this new native app from Google is a good "first version", the exising "GV Connect" app does quite a bit more. I've been using that app for a couple of months now. I'll use both for now to see if I can get used to Google's new app.

    IMHO, it's easier to type in text messages with "GV Connect" because sometimes, the Google Voice app only displays one line of the text message upon input, which is very difficult to read. Also, the Google Voice app doesn't display the number of characters left in a text message (160).

    It's little things like this that you would think Google would have researched by looking at their competitors.

  10. Awesome! So happy to see this finally released officially.

    A couple bug reports:
    1. Clicking on contacts in quick dial can sometimes take over a second to bring up the menu, there must be some glitch here.
    2. Dialing a number, clicking add contact, and then canceling out expands the number keys to far so that the dial buttons go underneath the menu controls.

    This is using an iPhone 4, iOS 4.1.

    It would also be awesome if the send text screen could be modified to show the contact's name, and also allow you to text multiple people at the same time.

  11. Why is this app for the iPhone only? I'd love to use it on my iPod Touch, and I can't see any reason why this isn't possible. Thanks!

  12. how do you receive txts only to your google number? I'm still getting the texts forwarded to my regular cell number, thus making it pointless since I'm still paying to receive those texts. Help!

  13. I still can't find it on iTunes or on the apps store. Tried entering google-voice and that didn't work either. Any suggestions?

  14. Looks like we've to search as "googlevoice". That too works only through iTunes and had to be synced over to your phone.

  15. Why no ipod touch support? boo...

  16. C'mon Google and don't put us canadian on the back-burner!! Skype is horrible teach them a few trick!! And open the valves for us!

  17. Suggestions:

    Inbox lags a lot during load up.

    Limit the amount of messages in the inbox being loaded.

    Crashes when opening up the inbox.

    Mainly make the inbox receive less messages.

  18. Also clicking view on the push notification crashes te app.

  19. Search the App Store, google-voice with the hyphen on your iPhone. This works.

  20. Can't make calls with the new app, I just get the spinning wheel and then the app times out. I can make calls with GVmobile+ using the dial back method but it too can't make calls using direct dial method.

    What's up with that.

  21. Not available for the iPod Touch and doesn't allow the user to dial calls via WiFi connection??? Lame.

  22. Definitely needs option to use Dial Back (in case wifi is the only option or iPod Touch users).

  23. Please add the ability to text in landscape mode, search texts, and toggle phones on/off.

    Great first release. Text capabilities need some work.

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  25. Here's the link. As of 11/18, I still cannot find the app in the store but if you search for it via the web; then click on "View in iTunes", you can get to it:


  26. Just like the new GV service was a huge step for making computers functioning as phones, this would have been a lot better product if it made all iPod Touch act as phones. I would say iPod users could actually have a lot more utility out of this product than iPhone users (well, iPhone users already have a phone in hand). GV Mobile would also have a lot wider appeal, since iPhone has only been distributed by AT&T, but iPod Touch could be owned by anyone... without signing a 2-year expensive service commitment! I think Google just missed the boat here... especially since iPod Touch is almost identical to iPhone.

  27. Google is zigzaging not to step too heavely on the Cell phone operators toes.
    There is absolutly no technical problem in implementing the same application for WiFi enabled Ipod touch. Google - if not you, someone else will make that app !

  28. There's really no reason why this should be an iPhone only app. My iTouch will work with Gizmo5 and the old web Google Voice site. It's not anywhere near as good as a native app would be but it works.

    I suppose that Google did not want to support SIP technology in order to make this work for iTouch.


  29. I've been experiencing random freezes & crashes with Google Voice app. Anyone else having this problem?

  30. This app is crashing on startup all the time. It works 1 out of 5 times that I launch it, maybe. Please fix this bug, Google!

  31. Been trying to make a call since y'day. The app automatically dials a 327 area code number and give an error message.
    Anybody had luck calling?


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