Monday, November 8, 2010

Enhancements to Google News for smartphones

(Cross-posted from the Google News Blog)

Last November, we redesigned Google News for mobile access on smartphones including Android, iPhone and Palm Pre. Today, we’re globally rolling out new usability and visual enhancements that we hope will make browsing news on your smartphone easier.

We expanded the story space to make tapping on articles easier and more accurate. Tapping anywhere on an article headline or snippet opens it up, and clicking on a section heading opens up that topic section on your screen.

In addition, the default view of stories is now collapsed, to reduce scrolling time. You can ‘expand’ a story by tapping ‘More sources’, which brings you to related stories from other sources. The screenshots below show the collapsed and expanded view of a story.

So, pick up your smartphone, point your browser to, and catch up on news on the go.


  1. We need a Google News App for Android.

  2. Thank you google for continuing to improve the best site to browse the news on my iPhone 4 in Australia. I appreciate it lots. Keep up the good work

  3. Thanks Google to improve the news sites for smartphones. One other thing to tell u that you are always providing great information.
    I like it. Keep going on.

  4. Thank you for supporting Palm webOS with this update!

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