Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google Mobile App for Windows Mobile gets My Location and more

It's easier and faster than ever to search Google using your Windows Mobile phone. Just visit to download the latest version of Google Mobile App, which includes these new features:
  • My Location. Get local results without typing your location. Once you see the blue My Location dot with your current location below the search box, simply search for a local query, for example "italian restaurant", and the search results will contain local business results along with web results.

    To protect your privacy, location is encrypted when sent to the server, and only your most recent location is stored so that successive searches can use the same location. You can disable My Location at any time in the "Advanced Options" screen.
  • Google Suggest. Reduce typing time by selecting suggestions to complete your queries. You will also see URL suggestions, which bring you directly to a web page, skipping the search results page entirely. Try typing "facebook" to see this kind of suggestion.
  • Search with Maps. If you have installed Google Maps, type a local query and wait for suggestions. Select the suggestion with the red pin next to it to launch your search inside Google Maps.

To download the new version of Google Mobile App, visit from your phone.


  1. How does the application determine "my location"? It tells me I'm in Toronto, but I'm actually in Vancouver.

    Also, how does one access the "Advanced Options" screen to disable the my location feature?

  2. J, same here. I'm in North Carolina, but the application reports me as Atlanta, Georgia. I'm using Sprint. I'm guessing it's doing some kind of IP location table lookup.

  3. I'm in Seattle and the Google Mobile App started up saying it didn't know my location and then reported that I'm in Los Angeles. This was while I was outside, my GPS active, and Google Maps showing my exact location. I'm also using Sprint. I have a HTC Touch Pro with Windows 6.1

  4. Thank you for showing WinMo some love :)

  5. I have the same problem. When I installed the cab at first it gave me the right location (Orlando, FL), but few minutes later I was in NY...
    The only difference that I noted was that at first I was in a EDGE area and then I got 3G signal.

  6. Does this work in the UK. And will it include gtalk on WM 6.5?

  7. My location is working fine in Portugal but this new version has an old problem. Like a previous version that has been corrected, it doesn't work with the Sliding Panels theme, on windows mobile 6.1. Can you solve it?


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