Google Earth now available for the iPhone

Sunday, October 26, 2008 | 11:31 PM

(cross posted with the Google LatLong Blog)

The world just got a little bit smaller. Google Earth is now available for the iPhone and iPod touch, allowing you to fly to the far reaches of the world from the palm of your hand. Since we launched Google Earth for the desktop in 2005, we've had over 400 million unique downloads, and people from around the world have used it to view their house, research travel destinations, learn how to make the world a better place, find local businesses, and view geo-located photos. Now, with a free download from the iTunes App Store, you can fly through the same 3D immersive world of Google Earth you've come to love, without having to fire up your desktop computer.

Check out this video tour to see Google Earth for the iPhone in action:

Not only is having Google Earth on your iPhone convenient, but the touch interface is a very natural way to interact with the Earth. Just swipe your finger across the screen and you fly to the other side of the globe; tilt your phone and your view tilts as well. You can pinch to zoom in or out, or just double tap with one finger to zoom in and two fingers to zoom out. We also integrated the My Location feature, so with a touch of a button, you can fly to where you are in the real world on your phone. In addition, we have over eight million Panoramio photos, which are geo-located photos of places, and you can view any and all of them from your iPhone. Besides being beautiful, high-quality pictures, they're specifically of places, so you don't have to see some guy's family on vacation in Thailand--you can see the beaches, the temples, all the things that give you a real sense of the place. Here is a nice shot of the Grand Palace that I found on my virtual tour of Bangkok.

All versions of Earth include search, and the iPhone version is no exception. You have access to the same great local search that you get with Google Maps, so you can search for places, businesses, and landmarks. With Google Earth you get to the full detail page for businesses, so you can get reviews, photos, user content, business hours, and other useful information. We also added a "search near me" feature, so with one touch you can find businesses near your location, without having to navigate there first or type in the name of the city. Looking for a good cafe when you're in Trento, Italy? It's a snap:

To get Google Earth on your iPhone, visit the App Store in iTunes or your iPhone, and search for "Google Earth."


أصدقاء موبايلي عربي said...

great! the navigation is so natural and the tilt functionality is amazing.

Jimmy Yap said...

Cool app! Can't wait to get it. Will it be released in other markets outside the US? Say like in Singapore?

rodflash said...

Please make Google iPhone apps available outside USA. I live in Brazil and can't test it. We don't need the translation right now, just the apps.

Ignacio said...

As previous posters said, it doesn't seem to be available in every country. The original announcement says it will be released in just 20 countries. May I ask why isn't it available everywhere while the desktop version is?

(I'm from Argentina, btw)

Unknown said...

PLEASE add "my maps."

Unknown said...

why is Google launching Google earth on the iPhone and not, unless I'm mistaken, on the G1?

Peet said...

Yes, why not release this for the G1 first? I am eagerly waiting for this for mine!

Caesar said...

How about the non-US markets? I heard you covered Australia, but how about the English speakers in the non-English speaking countries?

TareX said...

Why has this NOT been released for the G1 first?!?!?!?!!?!?

what the hell, Google.

xxx said...

this sux,
very slow, crashing all the time

bad work google bad work

Bill Adams said...

Great concept.

Unfortunately it appears as if it was developed by the same 3rd grade special-ed class which develops Facebook applications.

This app crashes incessantly and therefore is of little or no use in its current form.

David Dunham said...

I haven't used it extensively, but it worked fine (no crashes).

Unknown said...

Great idea, and an excellent application while it works.... however unfortunately it's very slow and buggy:

* Startup takes ages.
* Pressing the search button means waiting ages for the keyboard to appear and then even longer before you can type.
* Moving around the world too quickly guarantees a crash in a few seconds.
* Even leaving the app idle for a minute or so (my auto-off is set to 5 mins) will also lead to a crash.

However if these issues get sorted, and knowing Google they will pretty soon, then the application will be great.

Also one feature that I would also love to see implemented is bookmarks.

Unknown said...

Is this available for iPhones running 1.4? I really don't want to upgrade to version 2 of the iPhone. I'm happy with 1.4. Is there is source URL anywhere?

Manuel R. Ciosici said...

I live in Romania and can't install the App. When will I be able to do it?

Trevor Hartman said...

excellent work, gDudes. this app is so much fun when you can carry it in your pocket and navigate in 3d with multitouch! sick

Jason said...

Looks good! Now tell me, when can we expect the Windows Mobile version?

Anonymous said...

No problems/crashes on my 2nd Gen iPod Touch. Need added functionality, though, like the ability to add in our own data. Also need a disconnected mode so that if we don't have a solid connection to the internet we can still use the app. Good first release, Peter.

Unknown said...

Why this app is not available in Hong Kong ?
Also, same as Google Mobile App,
Could you make those apps available for Hong Kong ?

gnarlykitty said...

Yeah what's up with not letting users outside the US play with your awesome and free apps? This is such a bummer.

Unknown said...

It does not work if you are connected to net (wifi) through a proxy server

A complicada said...

Is it available in portuguese?



Unknown said...

Hungary calling. Looks like the world really has gotten smaller with this release -- only available in 22 countries. That's considerably less than real Earth. Any hints about when the rest of the Earth can go explore?

Brian Whisler said...

For iPhone!? What, no G1... My dreams have been crushed!

Adrian Sinclair said...

I second the motion to publish this app to the Hong Kong app store!

please, pretty please!

Anthony Kwok said...

Thats great, i am looking for when this apps released in Hong Kong

Unknown said...

Great. I will waiting

Travis McCrea said...

But is there the hidden flight sim app still?

Adrian Sinclair said...

For those that want to request Google Earth in your country, place the request here:

Let's encourage Apple (and Google) to deploy this great app worldwide!

Unknown said...

Get this in Hong Kong now! Why do we have to wait so long for everything when we have some of the best telecoms in the world!

Dave said...

Great! This is cool, but now we need some apps that really utilize the power and mobile nature of the iPhone, such as an actual GMail app with push, or Google Talk app!

Unknown said...

It crashes constantly every time when i start aplication...Is there solution for this?

Barcellos said...

please, open this app in Brazilian app store. i can't wait to use this nice app.


André said...

Please, bring it to Brazil!

Unknown said...

same problem here with international version. given the slowness that google shows in making some useful services available worldwide I think it's time to make a new which focuses more on "world-wide", not only us. I'm from romania and I'm very disappointed that for example google maps doesn't have even 1 city from romania mapped when the competition(both) have almost all of the country.

[k06a] said...

Is not avaliable in Russian App Store . . . Can not try it now . . .

jiinjoo said...

why launch something in one app store and not another? not found in singapore app store too. no google earth, no gmail 2.0 etc. :( :(

Unknown said...

Works well on the iphone.

Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown said...

please make ALL iPhone Google apps available Chile. I use them regularly on my PC, why can't I use them on my iPhone?

thanks, Pablo

ks said...

If it's free, then it shouldn't be in a (country) store. It should be available outside the store!

In other words can't understand why it is still (Nov 13, 2008) not available in Polish store.

Sampson said...

Where is the love for WinMo?

HappyGuy said...

Hey, did you guys forget about Windows Mobile?

Andrew Sam said...

Why is google earth and google mobile app for the iphone not available in countries like India? It's highly irritating to just read about them with no possible explanation!!!!!

i. said...

Why aren't your new apps being distributed in Hong Kong at launch? We have great networks and lots of mobile phones here!

Barcellos said...

come on google! is you a global company or america only? please, respect all of your users around globe. or just tell us about this failure (at moment, is just like it - a fail). Even worse, Google Earth is free, so what justify this?

OFF: sometimes the iTunes Store is not global like we would like to be. For example, here in Brazil, we don't have a 'Games' category. I love a game, Bejeweled and cannot even pay! I'll love to pay for it!

Um serraqueo no cerrado said...

C´mon guys, why all the Google Apps are not available worldwide?.
Shame on you !

Here in Brazil, the iphone is available in 3 different phone carries, not mentioning the thousands devices "jailbreaked" in use.
Tt is very said that the Google Apps are not available.

You guys are missing a big opportunity here.