Gmail app for iOS available in the App Store (again)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 9:45 AM

Two weeks ago, we introduced our Gmail app for iOS. Unfortunately it contained a bug which broke notifications and displayed an error message, so we removed it from the App Store. We’ve fixed the bug and notifications are now working, and the app is back in the App Store. For an overview of what’s available in the Gmail app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, check out this blog post.

In the short time the app was public we received a lot of helpful feedback and feature requests. This included requests for everything from bigger features like multiple account support to customizations like improved notifications and mobile specific signatures.

We’re just getting started with the Gmail app for iOS and will be iterating rapidly to bring you more features, including all the ones listed above plus many more. Based on your comments we have already improved our handling of image HTML messages - they are now sized to fit to the screen and you can pinch to zoom in.

To try out the Gmail app today, install it from App Store on any iOS 4+ device. Those who already have the Gmail app released Nov 2 must uninstall or log out of the old app prior to installing the new app.


Anonymous said...

How is it possible that your own Android customers still have to use the outdated Gmail app from the Market, while Iphone users can have the latest, beautiful looking Gmail app. I think it should be the other way. Android users should have the latest developments first.
A missed chance!

Patrick said...

@rene - the iphone app is a wrapper around the web interace. go to if you want the same thing. And what is outdated about the email app on android?

Anonymous said...

The interface of the Android app is really outdated: small blue header with no icons at all. looks a bit like the real thing, but I still think there should be an Android update first. Anyway, an app works smoother then the web. The Ice Cream Sandwich version already exist I think, there you have the same experience as the Iphone app. Apple isn't that friendly at Android is it?

Jerry said...

only available in the US app store.. i'm disappointed!

supersillious said...

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supersillious said...

i only get sound notification, no text

Paul said...

Only sound/vibrating notifications are given as push notifications. How is it possible that text notifications are not included? Horrible Google. I'm really disappointed in you. Guess I still have to rely on the Microsoft Exchange setup.

lensovet said...

Hahaha I love how you guys are calling this a native app and everyone else buys that when in reality all this is is just a wrapper around a UIWebView. And it's so convenient that the recipient autofill doesn't use the built-in Contacts list. Hmm…I wonder why that is…oh wait, maybe because it's not really a native app? Lol.
And I love the push notifications that don't even tell you what email you just got. You guys HAVE seen Mail notifications in iOS 5 right? The ones that come up on your lockscreen and show you a preview of the message so you can decide whether to read it right away or later?
What a joke. Love that it took you two weeks to catch a bug for a feature that's apparently useless anyway.

saturdaysaint said...

More like "UIWebView, The App"

Is the laggy, inferior scrolling meant to acclimate iPhone users to Android?

Robert said...

When will Gmail for Google Apps for domains be supported?

tcwjonny said...

Seriously the only reason I was even interested in this app was for the notifications. First they were broken and now they are just merely useless. Give me banner notifications and the ability to customize the notification sounds please. I sure wish Apple would allow third party apps to be the default mail program. As long as that isn't possible I don't see how I can turn off the account in Mail.

Chris Tufnell said...

No banner notifications? Kind of missing a large part of what will make this app useful.

jbjose said...

I agree with prior comments re: notifications. Specifically, full use of iOS5 features like different alerts (none, banners and alerts). A "Show Preview" features like would be good too.
Otherwise, good first cut.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't integrate with the phone so you still have to set up the mail app for contacts, calendars, and to send mail from safari and other apps. Might as well just use mail. Lazy tosh.

Brian said...

This is worthless. Uninstall.

Kyle said...

Can the next update please have visual notifications (banners & alerts). The push badge comes pretty quickly, but it'd be nice to see this on the lock screen.

Blake said...

I too would enjoy banner notifications.

Glenn F said...

My notifications don't work either. I'm running IOS 5.01 on iphone 4s. Ca ne marche pas!!! That's the only reason to use the app over the web interface

Great Scott said...

I too have to express my disappointment with this app, which, like others are saying, is just a wrapper around what we can already get on the web version. For me, my big hope was that Google would build in support for addressing emails to my defined Google groups. Alas, that is not possible with this app, probably because it is not possible with the web version either. I really would like to be able to send mail to my groups without having to be logged into Gmail at my desktop computer.

KHult said...

I love the new Gmail iOS app but notice that it stops Pandora when I launch the app. Apple's Mail app doesn't do this, so the music continues in the background while checking your mail. Bug or feature?


Vicky Sadhu said...

How is it possible that your own Android customers still have to use the outdated Gmail app from the Market, while Iphone users can have the latest?

android application development

Seanj said...

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Seanj said...

I want to express my disappointment with this app. I was trying to find other people who have found that it was broken, because I can't turn on banners, and email notifications do not show up in the lock screen, even though "View in Lock Screen" is checked "ON". Banner notifications would be a huge plus.

After finding out that this is the nature of the app as released, I will quickly delete it from my phone until these issues are fixed.

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Warrio said...

What about gTalk now?
I am upset to see people using whatsap or other chats instead of gTalk :\

richardberry said...

This is really a big news and I am too happy about it after reading this. Thank you for knowing us about it.
Nokia mobile

Anonymous said...

nice, there is Indonesian

H said...

We need a 'real' native app