Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Smartphone User Study and Webinar

79% of smartphone consumers use their phones to help with shopping, from comparing prices and finding more product info to locating a retailer, 72% use their smartphones while consuming other media, and 88% of those who look for local information on their smartphones take action within a day.

These are some of the key findings from “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users,” a study from Google and conducted by Ipsos OTX, an independent market research firm, among 5,013 US adult smartphone Internet users at the end of 2010.

Check out our post on the Google Mobile Ads blog for more of the study’s findings, or join us in tomorrow’s webinar where we’ll present the full research findings. In the meantime, enjoy this research highlights video.

Posted by Dai Pham, Google Mobile Ads Marketing Team


  1. Wow… Finally I got the website for which I am searching for such a long time… I found my favorite

  2. What tools did you use to create this video? I am very interested in the technology that powered it for a university course project :)

  3. wow.. it's great.
    Zamre Ab. Wahab


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