Honeycomb Buzzes On In

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 | 1:22 PM

Yesterday morning, a tasty treat arrived on our campus. And what better way to welcome Honeycomb to the Android family than with redecorating the lawn of Building 44 a bit?

Posted by Andy Rubin, VP of Android Engineering


Woody said...


Anonymous said...

Thats awesome! :D

Palestine Programer said...

I liked it,
very good

Яростный Гибискус said...

Nice addition to your collection!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I like it.

CalgaryStreet said...

I want some honey... comb

n1ghtCr4wl3r said...

Jajaja its fun!!

tart said...

omg bees!

VaprT said...

I'm still waiting for the last tasty treat... Evo

Unknown said...

From what I understand, I am also an Evo user, we are waiting on the phone companies to release it to our phones not on Google.

Martin said...

Question is: where will the Ice Cream (or the I...) go? You're running out of space out there!

Vincent said...

At first it was cool, but now I just wish Google would concentrate on making an Android emulator that actually works instead of doing PR stunts....I'm getting tired of waiting...

dellfalconer said...

Still waiting for Gingerbread on my NexusOne.

Anonymous said...

very cool that some get fresh goodies but i am still waiting for stale gingerbread...

najmo said...

wow no one cares get a life iight

Xin said...

want that biiiiig android~!

Unknown said...

Please Andy, take the necessary steps to protect the Android market. The Myournet news that came out today is not cool at all. If this trend continues we are going to have a worse than Windows on our hand.

KA said...

Of course, Google still offers the best things.
Thank you Google.

Human Element said...

Good job! Some say don't drop the soap. I say don't drop the hope! :)

Unknown said...

hehehe... niceee...

maddy said...

Great work, I really enjoyed it. Thanks!

Android Mobile Phones

Irudayaa said...

Its cool..... Buddy

Chris Bird said...

I am mostly delighted with xoom/honeycomb. However there are some things that drive me crazy. Typing in this form illustrates one of them. Resizing the screen so I can see it messes up the typing in a variety of ways. Mostly by making the entry area move out of reach.

Typing in landscape mode in email is horrid too. The keyboard obscures the last line in the entry field and you can't scroll.
The cursor placement tool is ineffective. I cannot place the cursor precisely enough, so have resort to guessing beyond the point of editing and if necessary deleting some characters and then reentering them. Again very frustrating.

No ability to sort email again corporate email. That is vital and missing.

Too many apps are not sized properly. The market should identify which apps are small screen and which are large.

There appears to be no organization to the bookstore. Very hard to browse it.
The incomplete synch between email (corporate email) and calendar makes this unusable as a primary device. I still have to carry the laptop

Human Element said...

Some say don't drop the soap. I say don't drop the hope. :)

Chris Bird said...

Continuing the litany...
The time and date in bottom right are too close to oft used keys.

No long press on keyboard for numbers....

Phone locked up when detaching from desktop. I feared it had bricked....

To field on email does not resize to show all recipients.

It would be nice if an email indicates that you have responded and allows a quick link to your response.

I can't scroll to the end of this box.

PowerPoint viewer does not render embedded diagrams properly in pptx format

Stuart Ingram said...

I am sure that you realize that the insect on the honey comb is the classic shape, form and color of a WASP not a honey bee!!! Wasps steal honey from bees, is this what you are trying to get across? I am an apiarist so I know what i am talking about.

Dave H. said...

Seems like a weird project to expend so much energy, which could have been better directed toward some technology development. Call me crazy, but it just seems like a phenomenal waste.

Unknown said...

anyone knows if the area with the the android statues in building 44 is actually open to the public? or the entire area is just for google employee?


I Putu Sudarma said...

awesome, man...