Shopping smarter with Google Shopper

Thursday, February 18, 2010 | 7:59 PM

We're happy to announce a new Android application called Google Shopper. Shopper lets you find product information quickly by using your phone's camera. It can recognize cover art of books, CDs, DVDs, and video games, along with most barcodes. You can also speak the name of the product you're looking for. Use Shopper to make smart decisions about what to buy, what price to pay, and where to buy it. You can star items for later and share them with friends. Shopper also saves your history so you'll always have product and price information at your fingertips, even when you don't have a signal.

Here's an example search based on the Effective Java: Programming Language Guide.

To see Google Shopper in action, watch this video:

To download Google Shopper to your Android-powered phone, scan the QR Code below, or search for "Shopper" on Android Market. You'll see a green icon for Shopper by Google. Click install and happy shopping!

For more information about Google Shopper, take a look at our Google Labs page. We hope you send us your feedback.


Adam said...

I'm thinking that this new app will help when I'm at used book stores looking for rare books and vinyl records to resell.

Feels like an enhanced goggles. thanks!!

GoodMachine said...

doesn't google goggles already do this?

MatthewOstman said...

So, probably a silly question, but considering that this basically seems like google goggles with a shopping search... why is THIS available for my android 1.5 phone but goggles requires 1.6?

atreliu said...

Mmmh I'm an italian user with HTC Tatoo: shopper app doesn't work.
When I try searching for image, the app get in contact with camera but immediatly come back to the main view; if I try to search by Voice, I can't because i don't have installated "Google Voice Search" (not available in HTC Tatoo Android Market)..

James Dunmore said...

No Locale settings!. otherwise great.

Unknown said...

Can't see this app on the Market... HTC Hero 1.5...

Joel said...

In which countries will this app be available in? (i´m from Sweden)

Anonymous said...

atreliu, sorry to hear you're having a problem with the Tattoo. We did test on that device, and you're right that voice search is not installed, but I was able to recognize books by their covers consistently. Perhaps a reboot will help - I'm not sure what else the problem could be.

atreliu said...

dswitkin, I confirm you that a reboot was enought for the image reconise :-)

Simmons said...

it does not work on htc tattoo android 1.6
the voice search is not available for this phone...
the software does not recognise anything... neither the barcode...
it crashed with my phone.

Anonymous said...

Simmons, unfortunately the Tattoo does not have an autofocus camera, which is required for barcode scanning. However images (like book covers) and text search will both work fine.

David H. said...

I like the app. I hope you can make it international soon. Just adding big shops like Amazon (.de/etc.) would already help quite a bit. Judging only the scanning functionality, UI, etc. (ignoring the US-only database), I consider it to be the best shopping app right now.

Benoit Maison said...

Will there be an iPhone version? And will the barcode scanner work on all models, even those without autofocus?

Unknown said...

in what way is this better than ShopSavvy?

MatthewOstman said...

iirc, shopsavvy can only scan barcodes, this can actually scan the cover of something... useful if it's on display/in a case that obscures the barcode/etc.