Google Mobile App for BlackBerry: faster, stronger, better

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | 1:53 PM

Today we're pleased to launch Google Mobile App for BlackBerry. It's a free download and it looks like this:

To download the App, visit on your BlackBerry device.

Once it's installed you'll have faster search and easy access to Maps, Gmail, News, and more from Google.

So what exactly will you get?
  • Fast Google search - enter queries without waiting for a browser to load
  • Search history - easily access and amend your previous queries
  • Google Suggest - complete queries with less typing
  • Easy access to Google products for your phone - click once to download and install our applications for BlackBerry, and get immediate access to our web-based services
  • Google Apps support - get direct links to your Google Apps Calendar and Documents/Spreadsheets (select Menu, Options, Use Google Apps Domain: yes, and then enter your domain name)
  • Update alerts - learn about new versions of downloadable Google mobile applications and upgrade with just one click (Google Mobile App replaces Google Updater for BlackBerry)
We hope you'll enjoy using Google Mobile App.

A final tip - you can make it even easier to get all of this whenever you need it... just assign Google Mobile App to a convenience key using these instructions.


Shane said...

Maybe because it was just released today, but I'm having a heck of a time downloading the apps within the mobile app application.

Ricky Cadden said...

For the love of all things holy, PLEASE release this for S60 soon. Please please please.

MacBlack said...

I would really like the google maps for Blackberry to be revised so that when I am searching for property I can past something into the search line. I used to be able to do that, but not with the latest versions of google maps. That means I have to type the new address manually rather than copy from email and past to google maps.

Damon said...

The app is terrific in theory, but in practice there are two big issues for me:

1) Why is the Google Talk app missing from both the Google Mobile app and the Google Mobile site? I use that more than anything, but I can only get it through RIM's mobile site.

2) Having major trouble downloading the other individual apps through the Google Mobile app.

Hope these two issues get resolved soon!

- said...

i also want to say about google talk, why there isn't ni the package?

Unknown said...

i can't download it saying http error 503 .. idk ! help

Ryan Li said...

(Google Mobile App replaces Google Updater for BackBerry)”, so…, what's BackBerry?

Ryan Li said...

I can't just download it through the built-in browser of my 8800, what does the link looks like?

nono said...

The GMAIL app, both older version and this version, are probably the only time I've been disappointed with Google.

If you can't assign labels to email, or at least see the labels that were assigned based on your filters, then it's pretty much pointless for me and most of the people I know.

The reason we use GMAIL mobile is to cleanup email on the go so that things aren't quite as hectic when you get back to a browser, but without the label functionality you can't archive mail because you can't first confirm that the right labels are assigned to it, nor can you label it within the GMAIL mobile app.

It's also somewhat annoying that you can't remove certain menu options, like Contacts, as I never really need to go into them separately. They're on the label list, but they're greyed out so you can't do anything with them.

I love you Google, but pretty disappointed with GMAIL mobile still.

Azwar said...

My BlackBerry Curve is now my main T-Mobile phone and I find that the 3rd party application support is just what I need to get things done and be productive. Google sent me an email to let me know that the Google Mobile App for BlackBerry devices is now available for free by visiting from your BlackBerry browser.

Unknown said...

This app is really great; thanks for providing us with it. Two questions however:

Will Google Talk be included in the (hopefully not to distant) future?

Is there a version available which enables BES admins to push the package via the software configurations option? I'm not to keen to manually update it on each single one of our companies' BlackBerrys and would therefore like to automate its distribution.

Unknown said...


Opera Mini identifies itself as a regular browser. Use the blackberry browser to access

JohnLenton said...

I go to with the "native" browser on my blackberry 8700g and don't get anything more than the old "google mobile products" list, with no mention of the "mobile app" at all.
What am I missing?

Mbulgueroni said...

It seems that it is not yet accessible by blackberry users in Brazil. I am forcefully redirected to the Brazilian page with options in portuguese - and NO Google Mobile App there - is that on purpose?

I would really like to have this app installed.

Unknown said...

i have the same issue as Johnlenton where the download app link is not visable. can anyone advise what needs to be done to get it.

Unknown said...

Blackberry 8310 - ATT
Installed, uninstalled, installed and still get message - "The application Googlesearch has attempted to open a connection to a location inside the firewall and outside the firewall which is not allowed by your IT policy."
It doesn't work and freezes my Blackberry. I am not on BES. Further it deleted every last previous Google icon I had. I cannot access gmail, search, docs, calendar. Uninstalling does unfreeze 8310 but Google appears to have eliminated downloading Mail, search, and docs, calendar as separate programs with own icons. Avoid this unless you enjoy destroying your existing setup.

Michael Buckingham said...

I went to but I don't see a download link for Google

Unknown said...

You need to switch emulation to Blackberry. It's set to IE by default.

Mbulgueroni said...

Nope, emulation here is all blackberry and no go. And the page is in portuguese, what makes me think about localization problems.

JohnLenton said...

jacek: thanks! that worked for me.

Freehawk said...

To the poster who said "ni," please do not say "ni."

David said...

This app, like all Google has released in the past, gives ONE option for the browser you choose. Blackberry Browser is garbage. I don't know a single Blackberry user that uses the included browser. Ever tried Opera mini? It blows the included browser out of the water.
Give us an option to select which browser this opens up in!

Unknown said...

I must be the 'single Blackberry user' then. I gave Opera Mini 4 a try and went back to BB Browser after upgrading my Curve to 4.6. Alas, it's beside the point of this discussion.

Unknown said...

One would think that Google would give instructions that actually worked. Your browser has to be set to EMULATION MODE: BlackBerry. As most people will have it set to INTERNET EXPLORER, this is a pretty important bit of info......

Michael Buckingham said...

and how do I switch it to emulation mode: blackberry

Unknown said...

The older mobile gmail application had a setting for increasing the font size. The new one doesnt!!!

Any plans on getting this out? This was such a neat feature for the "visually" challenged !

Dan said...

You can't upsize the font like the old Gmail app could. It's hard to
read smurf sized writing on a Curve.
You STILL can't download attachments to your phone (WHY?!).
You still can't use the Delete button to delete emails (WHY?!).
The gmail notifier for new mail is gone from the new app button. You
have to go into the app to see it (Or unhide the gmail app that was
reinstalled, which seems redundant).
And where is the Picasa app for photos? Picasa3 is awesome and it
would be nice to integrate it.

Otherwise, I dig it. Incredibly convenient to have it all available in
one place.

blur said...

Support for Google Apps for Domains only feels partially implemented. I've set the option on, entered in my domain, but the Google Mobile App does NOT consider the Mail by Google application as being the same thing as the Gmail application.

Why do I prefer the blue icon of Mail by Google over the red icon of Gmail? From MbG, I can log into Gmail and any other domain I have hosted by Google Apps. From Gmail, I can only log in to Gmail. Support for your own other mail application would be a welcome addition! :)

Otherwise, it's a nice app. I would still like it more if Google Docs Mobile would open an XLS file again... Used to work, now I get nothing by Error 500.

Danny Taft said...

Does this replace the existing apps, or simply create links to them?

In other words, is it ok to uninstall the google maps and gmail applications that I already had installed?

Mbulgueroni said...

Well, not emulating Blackberry, nor with IE. No download for me, it does not even show. Any direct link someone?

Unknown said...

Why is there no paste available in the search box??????

macewan said...

Thank you. This app along with Twitter should be installed by default on BlackBerry Curves.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the mobile apps are just links to the web pages of the services like I understood from this article below?

buhrmi said...

When will it be released for the Bold?

Daria said...

Send the link to your phone and you have it. Download via default BB browser - it doesn't work thru Opera Mini.

I am actually uninstalling it - it doesn't "replace" the other google apps, but creates a link to them (so you have to install all the apps + this one). Also, you can't paste into the search box, and it excludes Google Talk. Reader and News also open in the default browser, so this is a pretty useless app for Opera users. Not impressed, google!

Rajkumar said...

No wifi support still. I have no data plan and this new google apps does not work with wifi.

Marco Schirmer said...

I am not able to install Google Mobile app on BB 8800, because it is not supported.

nono said...

"Is it true that the mobile apps are just links to the web pages of the services"

Seems like that's how the majority of them are, yeah. It's basically just a way to have all the various Google mobile services available in one place.

nono said...

The new GMAIL doesn't automatically refresh for me, but it seems to work for other people.

I have to open GMAIL, it APPEARS to update, but then no new mail is displayed. I have to go to refresh on the menu for it to get my new mail.

So it looks like it uses up data bandwidth when it does it's 'fake' update, then uses more when I do the refresh.

I think I'll be reverting back to the old GMAIL (I really hope it's still available).

Unknown said...

I can't seem to download any additional apps via the google mobile app. Have been trying the last 2 days. Tried to open calendar but it results in a "A communication failure has occurred. The server may be busy, please try again later. If the problem persists contact your service provider."

Have no trouble accessing any other websites... just via goodl mobile app. Rogers network in Vancouver BC.

Daria said...

Dayre, read thru the comments - we have already said that the mobile app is only a link to existing apps already installed on your phone. Think of it as a shortcut... That makes it pretty useless to most people, I think.

Eduardo Loyola said...

I have switched to Blackberry browser and (finally) I get the download page but, when I try to install it, I get an error message indicating that my 8310 BB is not supported yet: "Sorry, Google Mobile App does not work on your BlackBerry 8310'. When is it planned to release the BB 8310 version? (I thought that BB version were valid for all BB models).

Thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

DariSofi, I have read the comments.

Once the google mobile app is installed, i apparently have the option to download additional apps. When i click on GMail.. it then gives me a progress bar "Downloading Gmail.. 1:09 remaining" but the progress bar does not move. My reported issue is with the fact that the UI says i can download... but it doesn't.

If the UI says you can download additional apps, then it's obviously more than just a shortcut... it should install as well.

Angelo said...

I'd love to see Gmail (or maybe Google Sync) sync you Gmail and Blackberry contacts...Any hope of seeing that?

artisanz said...

I have only seen negative reviews about this product, I even read a negative review in the economist which was mainly detailing how bad their launching of the product was so not really about the product itself.

Unknown said...

Gmail 2.0.5 has support for multiple accounts, including Google Apps. I have two Gmail accounts and two Google Apps accounts tied to my Blackberry.

John S. Alton said...

Absolutely love the upgraded mail app. Small change (smooth scrolling) = huge difference in usability. Feels fantastic!

RSN023 said...

So Ive been using the new Google App for Balckberry on my Blackberry 8320 Curve - I do not have much installed on it at all, so there is plenty of free space.

I use 1 Google Apps email account and 2 GMail accounts. None of them update/refresh automatically and even when I do refresh (or send an email) it TAKES FOREVER to refresh. The old email apps NEVER took this long to refresh or send emails, and I am using the new app in the same locations as the old apps - so it has nothing to do with my provider.

I don't even want to check my email now because it is so slow.

Another complaint: Why can't I download an attachment to my phone? I though this would have been fixed from the first Gmail app.

Maybe Google needs to hire some Blackberry users before releasing Blackberry software. Or maybe, its just a way to get everyone to want to use Android phones?? ;)

Unknown said...

downloaded new app on my blackberry curve. after that the screen would not stop flickering. did not stop until i removed the new app.

not sure if this has happened to anyone else. one more comment is that i dislike you are not able to use your contacts stored on your blackberry when composing email.

Dom Sanculi said...

Please! For the love of all that is holy and good, can we get Gmail to BlackBerry contact sync? OTA!?

If they can sync Gcal, I would certainly think Contacts wouldn't take much more technical magic.


Unknown said...

Please somehow make gmail contacts work better with Blackberry. It would be nice if there were more otions when forwading email, typing new messeges etc.. I dislike typing somones full address, even though I have them in my gmail contacts, maybe it could look at me BB contacts? something, anything... unless it's just not working as it should on my BB?

mike said...

i can't receive emails now unless i log into gmail. and now nothing shows in my messages folder.

i uninstalled the app, and still nothing.

oh and when i do use gmail, i can't d/l attachments to my device which blows.

any ideas?

Unknown said...

To Dan...

The delete button doesnt work on mine either but if you hit "d" it deletes them.

Hope this helps...

Question- Can you delete the email account that you initially set up on your phone when you download this new google app and start using that email?

Amy Rogers said...

The only reason the G1 has an audience, is because of its unique access to the Google network. I wonder if even Blackberry phones can combat with that with some of the new apps like this one. I think when it comes down to comparing mobile phone offers between the two, it is going to be case of who has the larger following!

Z said...

I just downloaded Goog Apps for BB Curve--first impressions:

1. Font size: Font size on main menu items is WAY to small. If measured I believe they would compare to 4-6pt type on a desktop.

2. Goog Mobile app installer Doesn't download the Goog email, maps or some other G-apps. you need to do this manually if you want all the google apps.

3. Goog email on BB curve is virtually unusable due to the very small font size (which is unchangeable). After a quick test though I did notice that email send/receive is very fast and seems faster than the factory BB service.

Still, if you don't need email on blackberry there is a lot of value here...

camerin john paszterko burns kelly said...

I just got the Storm. Trying to find the download link for Google App. It doesn't seem to exist? This is frustrating me.

Please help, or if there is a direct link send it my way. It would make me very happy. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I'm pulling my hair out trying to find this app for the Blackberry Storm. I've tried and tried to get it, but can't find a download link anywhere. I even uninstalled an old version of the Google App hoping the phone would show your servers that I didn't have it installed. Same problem, no download link.

Will you EVER have an application that will run on the Storm, or am I just missing it? An answer would be appreciated.

Sevenpowers said...

On the Storm and can't see a link to dl Google Mobile Apps anywhere.

Unknown said...

Am I missing something? I can't find any download links for my Blackberry.

Unknown said...

And another saddened google lover who can't find a download for the blackberry storm...

Pratik said...

So bad it still doesn't support wifi. I would love to see my blackberry work on gmail like iPhone using wifi without opening actual browser! And it would be pocket friendly as well !! ;)

Unknown said...

The blackberry apps need to implement a better url for 8830 users who want to use google apps with wifi

its explained here in detail:
Its simple an easy please google!

Unknown said...

This really needs to be updated to support the Blackberry Storm.

ipavemyownroad said...

It doesn't update! I have not been getting any alerts about updates even though updates have been released. I have manually installed the updates after waiting a week for the alert that never came.

Please bring back the screen where it lists the software you have (and don't have) and what version you have and should have of each.

Better yet, stop forcing me to download a front-end for the google search front page that just uses the browser to run the search anyway. I don't want one. I don't know why anyone would, as the browser shows the google search homepage just fine. I just want an updater application, and this isn't one.

ipavemyownroad said...

Google did write a contact sync, "Google Sync for Blackberry", and it worked great until OS 4.5. Now it eats all your contacts' information on both BB and GMail, slowly over a period of weeks so that you don't notice it, due to a content protection bug they haven't bothered to fix. Don't install it, or some day months from now you'll realize you've lost the phone numbers to at least half your contacts and that your Google Talk buddy list suddenly has only half the people you added in it, all because of this app.

Google has stopped supporting these applications. They are breaking and Google is not fixing them. What's sad is that they keep advertising them and encouraging people to install them without at least changing the code to disable the broken Contact Sync on 4.5/4.6 and to bring back the old updater that actually worked. These are clearly easy things to do.

ipavemyownroad said...

Can we PLEASE just have Updater back? This doesn't update or install anything! It's just a search front end and nothing else!