Announcing the Blogger app for iOS

Thursday, September 8, 2011 | 11:23 AM

(Cross-posted from the Blogger Buzz blog)

Today we’re excited to announce the new Blogger app for iOS. With the Blogger app, you can write a new blog post and publish it immediately or save it as a draft right from your iOS device. You can also open a blog post you've been working on from your computer and continue editing it while you're on-the-go. Your blog posts are automatically synced across devices, so you’ll always have access to the latest version.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, and the Blogger app makes it easy to add photos either by choosing from the gallery or taking a new photo right within the app. You can also add labels and location to provide more details about the post.

Download the Blogger app today for iOS versions 3.2 and above in the App Store. Although the user interface is only available in English at this time, the app supports blog posts written in all languages. If you’re using an Android-powered device, you can download the Blogger app for Android from the Android Market.


Isabel Chamberlaine said...

Is there going to be a true iPad version?

bilhelm96 said...

Not a universal app for both iPhone and iPad. What a waste.

muthukumaran said...

Is there any plan to support Asian languages (India) in near future. I am planning to move away from android if it is not going to happen means.

Unknown said...

No landscape support? C'mon Google, get it together. It was almost excusable on Google+, a beta service, but you can't screw up Blogger.

Anonymous said...

Something I would like to see in all versions is the option to view html, please?

Suzanne said...


LuLu R. said...

Why it's do difficult to access the application.
Whats with the verification code where ur supposed to copy it somewhere in the application. While u can't even access ur application neither ur blog through the blogger app !!!

junkoro said...

waiting for iPad version!

DreamMan said...

Very Very Cool ....

K.Selezneva said...

A very useful application. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I want a preview and view html.

Godfree Roberts said...

Wretched piece of work! I'm visiting thailand at present so it's in Thai--even though I signed into my longstanding account.

And definitely NOT iPad-ready.

Unknown said...

Blogger app on my iPhone gives me a code (after sign-in) to copy and paste somewhere... Problem is I don't know where I'm supposed to paste it!!! HELP

Volvoxx said...

No landscape keyboard support? Typing's a bitch with the portrait keyboard alone...especially when you're typing for a BLOGPOST.

Unknown said...

Awesome.. I'm happy for this! :)

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

Cannot sign-in in Kuwait. Don't understand the arabic instruction page :-\

Useless for now.

Unknown said...

I was pretty excited about this app. Trouble is, i've been trying to publish a mobile post all day and I keep getting "The operation couldn't be completed. (Invalid category term)" - what is that about?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for providing a good Collection of Mobile details. i have also found good information about mobiles at Mobile in UAE

1f said...

After submitting my feedback, I received the message, "Thank for dogfooding the new Blogger iPhone App." There should be a "you" after "Thank". But also, why use such an unused phrase such as "dogfooding"? Your average person is not going to know what that means.

Things that I would like in new versions:
- Preview post as it will look when published (either in Editor or in Safari Mobile)
- Hyperlink feature (we shouldn't have to add in any HTML code)
- Filter down posts so we can only look at Drafts for instance
- Sort posts so we can look at the most recent modified posts on the first page listing
- View blog's Stats
- Moderate Comments

Codefrux Technologies PVT LTD said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing!I am happy for this Blog!

Unknown said...

I'm getting an error when I try to post.

J said...

iPad App?