Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Updated Gmail app in Android Market

We just released a new version of the Gmail app in Android Market, so Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore. Now you can get new Gmail stuff faster without having to wait for system updates. To start you off, we’ve improved message replies, access to quoted text, and more.

As you scroll through a conversation, your most important message actions will now stick to the top of the screen, one click away, no matter how long the email is.

Very long thread? Now you can view previous message content more easily, just like in the desktop version of Gmail. Tap “Show quoted text” to reveal the previous message.

Finally, this updated version of the Gmail app has limited support for Priority Inbox. If you’ve enabled Priority Inbox via the desktop version of Gmail, you’ll see an “Important” label that shows all messages flagged as important. You can even add a shortcut to “Important” to your home screen.

The Gmail update requires Froyo (Android version 2.2), so it’s available if you have a Nexus One, HTC EVO, Motorola Droid 2 or Motorola Droid. (Not sure if your device is running Android version 2.2? Check here.)

Get the update from Android Market (just scan the QR code below, or click here if you're on a phone) and check out the new Gmail. We’d love to hear what you think at android-apps-support@google.com.

Update 9/21/10 12:13pm Pacific time: There is a known issue with important actions not sticking to the top of the screen on HTC phones running Anrdoid 2.2, like the EVO 4G and
the Droid Incredible. We are working to address this.

Update 9/23/10 10:52 Pacific time: Sprint and HTC have just released an update to Android 2.2 for the EVO 4G that fixes both the "header not sticking to the top of the screen" and the "secondary account doesn't sync" issues in Gmail. To get the update, go to Menu > Settings > System updates > HTC software update, and check for updates (may take a few tries).

Posted by Simon Arscott and Paul Westbrook, Gmail for Android team


  1. I updated to the new Gmail app but the name/reply/menu bar is not sticking to the top of the screen when scrolling down an email. I even tried rebooting my phone.

    EVO stock 2.2

  2. So, let me get this straight: There's a new, standalone version of Gmail which finally solves the problem for those of us who have Android devices no longer eligible for OS updates...

    ...but it requires the most current version of the OS?

    Oh, boy. Face, meet palm.

    (T-Mobile G1 here, still under its two-year contract, still stuck at Android 1.6 officially)

  3. Hi,

    quick question,is this a world wide release as long if you have Froyo? or only for supported markets.


  4. As bad as it is for the G1 kids to not be eligable for this update, and I do feel for you (My fiance still has a G1, it's less than a year old), it is even worse for those of us who have phones ANNOUNCED and RELEASED this year, but are still stuck on 1.6. I have a T-Mobile Garminfone, stuck at 1.6 indefinately, and even if the rumors floating around the forums are true, I won't EVER get beyond 2.1.

    I'm hoping those rumors are wrong, and I'm hoping that I will get an update to Gmail. This update looks fantastic! Keep up the good work.

  5. Installed and runs as described on my Motorola Droid (android 2.2)

  6. Sticky toolbar at the top, sticky toolbar at the bottom... Can I haz space for meh content pretty please? Kthxbye

    Seriously, one thing I love on Android compared to iPhone is the uncluttered screen that leaves room for the content (menu key, overlay buttons, etc). A sticky toolbar eats 10% of the screen area for things that *may* be useful when a simple swipe can make it appear again effortlessly.

    Same applies to the new GMaps with its sticky search bar...

  7. I'm also interested to know if this is a worldwide release. I have Froyo 2.2 but can't find it on the market.


  8. Why is it just for android 2.2 ? x(((((

    there is A LOT of phone with older android (1.6 -> 2.1) and it not supported ?

    well thanks....
    we haven't enough with the phone constructor who don't want upgrade some phone, and now some basic application most used like gmail....

  9. Working fine on HTC Desire running official Froyo update in the UK.

  10. hi,
    i came from Germany and have a "HTC Desire" with Froyo on it and i can't find the app.
    is this app available on the german market?
    If not, when will it be available in Germany?

  11. For me the Barcode also doesn't work here in Germany. (Nexus One)

  12. FYI, Columbia is a university and a district. Colombia is a country in South America.

  13. For every one with a G1 ... why not try Cyanogenmod ... works great on my HTC magic ... and so does de new gmail app :)

  14. It sucks that older versions of the OS are not supported. Gmail on my G1 is buggy. Guess I have to get a new phone. (Oh, I get it.)

  15. app not available in german market.

  16. For me the Barcode also doesn't work here in San Francisco, CA USA. Droid X

  17. I have an N1 purchased in the states with v2.2 but am currently traveling in Costa Rica. The application is not found in the Market. The bar code returns a 'not found' as well.

    Is there a way to set a new proxy address to get around this problem?

  18. No floating toolbar for me either. Evo w/2.2.

  19. "[...], so Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore." and "The Gmail update requires Froyo (Android version 2.2),[...]" just makes absolutely NO sense.

    I will never buy an HTC sense powered android phone again, damn it!

  20. works great on my EVO 4G.

    is there any plans of adding the zoom functionality in the gmail app?

    more and more emails are becoming HTML version now a days and it would be really nice to have the ability to zoom in and out of them inside gmail

  21. I'm in Indonesia and using HTC Desire with Froyo. App not found in the market and QR code also showed no app found. Why Google still restrict even the free apps for people from other countries.

  22. I can't see the show quoted text feature. Maybe I'm blind to it but I just see a few lines of > and a ....

    This is on EVO 4G. I have the priority inbox update so I know it installed properly.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. ". . .so Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore." EXCEPT that it is tied to an Android release, an Android release that is not available to anyone with the newest, very popular, Samsung Galaxy S phones.

  25. "[...], so Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore." and "The Gmail update requires Froyo (Android version 2.2),[...]" just makes absolutely NO sense.

    I will never buy an HTC sense powered android phone again, damn it!

    +1. The delays with upgrading my HTC Hero to 2.1 were bad enough, but this makes me not want to buy Android again.

  26. Its very sad that this is not even released for OS v2.1 which constitutes to almost 40 to 50% of Android Users.

    Google, can't you see Millions of sad faces??? :-(

  27. Another vote here for making this work for those of us stuck at 2.1.

  28. Link to get the app doesn't work from my Nexus One

  29. ..same problem as described be many other.. cant't find the app in the german market, qr-code link is broken.. :(

  30. Some of us are restricted by our companies to 2.1... we'd sure love an update to Gmail on our phones as well. :'c

  31. Google, please introduce push notifications for messages that have been auto archived and filtered to specific labels (at users choice)!! This is something that is really lacking. All my mail get filtered to labels and I need this functionality rather than having to sync mail manually. Also may be add a button to read unread mail directly?? But please act on the first suggestion.

  32. Works like a charm on HTC Desire with newest Teppic74's ROM.

  33. Why is there still no add sender to contacts function?

  34. Works very well on Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000.

  35. Installation failed. Droid Incredible.

  36. Update installed perfectly on my HTC EVO 4G.

    I feel bad that most of these comments aren't positive... So I want to make sure you guys know that *I* use my mobile Gmail application 10 times a day and it works perfectly for me.

    I greatly appreciate all of the hard work you guys invest in the development of this software and I believe you're doing a fantastic job!

    The current feature set is also a-okay by me. It does everything that I need!

    Have a great week!

    Will in Chicago

  37. HTC EVO with stock 2.2 and the top bar isnt floating, it stays where it is and I have to scroll back up to use it.

  38. Did this get pulled? I'm in the US - link and barcode both lead to a 404 on my Droid X.

  39. "We just released a new version of the Gmail app in Android Market, so Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore."


    "The Gmail update requires Froyo (Android version 2.2)"

  40. I'm in Bangladesh and it's not found in the Market here either.

  41. No go from Nicaragua on N1 2.2 either... can someone in US confirm link is still good in the US?


  42. I'm seeing the 404 error as well. Is this only available to selected users? I have Desire 2.2 unrooted.

  43. The download link http://www.blogger.com/goo.gl/puRs(error 404), should be replaced by http://goo.gl/puRs

  44. using HTC Desire from Malaysia, on Froyo, scanned the QR code but it says not found. Searched the Market but not there either.

  45. How nice to require Android 2.2 -- NOT!
    Google risks seriously alienating customers.

  46. Hi, Developers.
    Can you also release this app for Android 1.5?

    It seems more interesting and intuitive than the previous Gmail Android app. :)

  47. Cannot be found in the market, QR code not working :(
    "The requested item could not be found"

  48. Agree with many posters. A shame that upgrading can't happen for those of us with G1s (stuck at 1.6) that we bought less than a year ago. While I can appreciate that there are (I assume) related hardward issues, we're just waiting out the next 15 months or so. And in the meantime we drool every time we see one of those posted (like on Gmail today) especially those of us who are pretty partial to Google/Android usage.

    And while we're at it, a good Google-produced Google Docs app wouldn't kill you either, even though there are other good ones on the market. Maybe you could let more of us into the "building blocks" system for apps making?

  49. no dice either, samsung galaxy s... very disappointed

  50. Why the hell do you support only Froyo? There are a HECKA lotta people with older devices which manufacturers never will update to Froyo! What do you think they should do? Use the buggy ol' lack-in-features Gmail 2.1 app?

    I'm your biggest fan. don't become the cocks Apple have become, Google.

    Why not just an update for the 1.6-2.1 devices? If maps/goggles can receive updates, why the f can't gmail?!

    Hows THAT for some real customer feedback?

  51. just wondering how come i dont receive any update i'm using N1 with 2.2 and the gmail is already in my phone when i go to the market i didnt receive any update

  52. You guys really need to think about the geolocks you put on your devices. I am running 2.2 on an N1 but because I'm in China (using a VPN to write this) I can't access the update on the market place. Noticeable difference using this device/market place outside of North America (quality of apps, marketplace availability).

  53. Barcode dosen't work -> cannot be found, also directly in the market. Why you google people make such a great press release when it's not working???

  54. Not available in turkish Google bazaar, pardon market I meant...

  55. not available on german market, yet.

    i guess this press release is meant for US market, only (for the moment).

    Maybe they'll wait for the translated apps to release them in the according country.

    I would prefer the english version, too, instead of waiting :-P

  56. Isn't this release meant to support install to SD card? The option to move to SD card is greyed out on my Desire.

    Given that this app takes up so much more memory than the previous version, I would have thought this would be a given.

  57. Maybe you didn't notice it yet, but you can't move ANY update to pre-installed apps to SD. They are always going into the internal memory.

    Also the Market doesn't display these updates by itself. So the first time you update an internal app, you'll see an "Install" button there, although it should be an "Update" button. I use AppBrain to show available updates ... that also shows those for Twitter, TTS, Maps, etc.

  58. I scanned the bar code and it told me the link was not available, in market or internet!!!

    That's crap, google, please fix it!

    Please don't treat non-US android users as 2nd class citizens, the world is bigger than one country, or we might choose a provider who respects us all equally!

  59. But we still can't accept or decline meeting invitations

  60. 404 on my Desire 2.2, in Belarus. It's very strange

  61. I really hoped, there would be a way to chose the sender address. I would love to see the google mail app being able to do that, that's a serious decision-killer for the customers I want to migrate to Google Apps.

  62. Really good application so far, and I have successfully installed the new update. However the name/reply/menu bar is not sticking! I am using a HTC Desire with Froyo, my location is in Italy.

    Features that I am also missing are:
    - a widget for the homescreen that shows most recent emails (including unread)
    - possibility to choose the sender's address if gmail is used for several mail accounts
    - with the new priority inbox, there should also be a possibility to mark an email as "important" not only the star-option
    - possibility to choose "always display images" in emails from known contacts
    - possibility to accept meeting requests

    Keep up the good work!

  63. I have to correct myself: the top bar does stick. When you scroll down it shortly disappears, then reappears floating on top.
    At least for me it works.

  64. Great update. Can you please add support for sending for all the email addresses attached to your gmail account?

    People have been asking for this feature, but we never get a response. Even a "we're working on it" would be good....

    Please acknowledge it is a missing feature (and an important one at that!)

  65. Not found in market=(
    Nexus One, Belarus.

  66. So, let me get this straight: There's a new, standalone version of Gmail which finally solves the problem for those of us who have Android devices no longer eligible for OS updates...

    ...but it requires the most current version of the OS?

    Oh, boy. Face, meet palm. [2]

  67. hi ,
    I am trying to install app by using QR code but I am getting an error which says "the reguested item could not be found". I am using Nexus One with Froyo and I am in Turkey now :)

  68. I don't get it! I spent $500+ on an international factory unlocked N1 phone to be able to use it's features and enjoy the latest software without any hassles, still I don't get the OS pre-installed app updates! Why am I being treated like this, I believe this is unfair, I'm on 2.2 in Egypt.

  69. I've discovered a bug - if you try to tap the floating toolbar's "Reply" button while an embedded URL appears underneath it in the email, the link will open instead of the Reply form opening.

    Motorola Droid 2.2

  70. my gmail updated and it looks great.
    thanks google(:

  71. Did you pull the app? I get a 404 when I "Click here" and the QR code doesn't go anywhere either.

  72. I would love to see the option to control notifications (sounds, lights, vibration) etc based on each label, especially the important one from Priority Inbox.

    I like to have a notifications turned on for email as I use it more than SMS for quick messaging friends not on Gtalk but it is annoying when I get a notification, pick up my phone and it is 20% off somewhere I shop. I would like it so I can set it so only important messages have notifications.

  73. When will Gmail build the capability to send an email to a Group using the Droid? I've found a work around called GroupY, but its not the same.

  74. I cannot find this in the German Android Market. Stock Nexus One, Android 2.2.

  75. Echoing the "Why is this only for 2.2" question...

    Disappointed, to be sure. It's a shame that all but the very latest users will have access to this.

  76. I can no longer open .vcf files in Froyo after applying Gmail update. HTC Desire.

  77. Why can't Google comment on the questions raised??? Where is the app?? Nowhere to be seen in Norway with Desire and 2.2!!

  78. wish i had smartphone! lol i did this at the verizon store the other day, very cool. :)

  79. Seriously, is there really any reason why this wouldn't work on 2.1 (or even older versions)?

    I'm hating this Android already, you will never get any new things as you're always (after that 6 months of honeymoon) on an "outdated" Android that will not get any loving from phone manufacturer or Google.

  80. this feature does not work on the Incredible -- "As you scroll through a conversation, your most important message actions will now stick to the top of the screen, one click away, no matter how long the email is." i still have to scroll all the way back to the top of the email because header does not lock. i saw it working correctly on the Motorola Droid.

    This is the core problem with Android. i'm trying to be patient but there is too much discrepancy and incompatability between devices and OS versions.

  81. Overjoyed when I heard there was a new version of Gmail but was deeply burned when I read it was only for android 2.2 Looks like I soon need to trade the G1 for a Desire Z!
    Anyone interested!?

  82. are there a position about version to android 2.1?

  83. I cannot find the application in the Market. Stock Nexus One running Froyo from El Salvador.

  84. This looks like a great app.. From the screenshots.. How about making it available to everyone? I have American Nexus One, running Android 2.2.. However, since I'm an American ex-pat in Mainland China and have a Chinese SIM, I don't get access to this lovely gem of an app.. Like most other "free" Google apps that Google has felt the need to restrict.. The Market doesn't let me at anything, even though I'm American with an American credit card and an American street address. Not cool..

    Google -- By not allowing people that purchased YOUR hardware with YOUR software access YOUR updated applications, you are effectively refusing support to people that have phones that are less than a year old.. People that are, generally, your biggest advocates. How about living up to your stance on "not being evil" and changing this policy? Some of us would love to have Maps, Gmail, Places and the rest of the apps that are supposed to be part of Android that you're refusing to let us have access to..


  85. The problem with android 2.2 update and gmail push on secondary gmail accounts has not been fixed in this update.


    I was really hoping this problem was fixed in this update... but its not :(

    Can someone please look at this issue.


  86. Xperia X10 users can´t install this new app, why was it only launched for android 2.2?

    I´m so sad... =(

  87. Not found in market on Nexus One 2.2 in Azerbaijan

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I would still really like to see my label colors in the email list not just in the label list. Web version of gmail is still better for me.

  90. Hi

    I have a yahoo account that syncs to my gmail account. Now I've got it set to email from the account that received the mail.

    Initially when I got my Nexus One - this worked. But now replying from my mobile - always sends from the Yahoo account... please help

  91. This is great that the Gmail app can be upgraded through the market. Google Maps is already like this. What about the other google apps? Specifically Google Talk?

  92. I have the google app on my htc evo. The preview attachment and download attachment do not work when trying to view or download jpg image files. I get a fetching attachment box that stays for 2 mins and then goes away. Is there a fix for this issue?

  93. Working great on HTC Desire with official 2.2 rom. One change (beside the announced ones) that I greatly appreciate is when adding addresses in to "To:" field (or similar), it searches name AND last name. Before it only searched one field (forgot which). I think I can finally use this one as my main mail client :)

    Also it is much faster than before!

  94. So, let me get this straight: There's a new, standalone version of Gmail which finally solves the problem for those of us who have Android devices no longer eligible for OS updates...

    ...but it requires the most current version of the OS?

    Oh, boy. Face, meet palm. [3]

  95. I bought an HTC Magic "with Google" less than 1 year ago!

    Great!...no more Android update! no more Apps for Android 1.6 (no Google Earth, no GMail Apps)!

    I can't suggest anymore Android to nobody!
    I think this is not a good policy!

  96. I believe Google may need to make themselves aware of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (As Amended) in the UK as it is illegal to stop support of devices within a timeframe based on customer expectation, rather than warranty or guarantee limitations.

    I advise all British users to read the act and make formal complaints against the providers and manufacturers of their devices.

    I Google cannot issue updates based on moral obligation, then perhaps they will listen when faces with financial recompense claims against them.

  97. Having a Motorola Cliq and being stranded on Android 1.5, a little part of my enthusiasm dies every time something cool is released that I can't use. The handset companies have taken the awesome Android concept and ruined it out of fear and greed.

  98. I was so excited when i saw this on the Gmail login page that maybe I finally be able to copy text from Gmail (which works with the other Mail app) only to have my dream crushed because the "Gmail updates aren’t tied to Android version releases anymore" is only true if your carrier has released an update for Android 2.2 which was only released 4 months ago. So much for having a "brand new" HTC Aria from AT&T with Android 2.1 on it. Doesn't Google read their own pie chart?


    Platform API Distribution
    Android 1.5 3 12.0%
    Android 1.6 4 17.5%
    Android 2.1 7 41.7%
    Android 2.2 8 28.7%

    I can understand if they don't want release it to the 29.5% on 1.x, but not all of 2.x?

  99. I keep trying to scan the QR code or click the link, and no dice, it says it doesn't exist in the market. What gives?

  100. Is there any technical obstacle which prevents this version to work on older Android? Why did you chose to forbid installing it in those versions? Can you at least put pressure on LG to upgrade their GT540 to Android 2.2?

  101. Anyway of getting full headers on the mobile app for android? I get some junk and want to parse to give back to the ISP.

  102. Is this release limited only for certain markets only? I'm in Saudi Arabia, using Android Froyo on Nexus One. I can't find the update on the Market. QR gave no luck too..

    Appreciate your respond.


  103. Link doesn't work, app not found in market. HTC Desire, Froyo, Germany

  104. Sucks you have to be running 2.2 to get this update - what about HTC Hero users stuck (probably forever) on 2.1?

  105. The link to Android Market doesn't work. HTC Desire on Froyo, Malaysia.

  106. I am in Saudi Arabia and I can't find the app.
    Will it be offered later?.

  107. I like the update a lot, though I still think the following need to be added in the future (a) select/clear all check boxes (b) empty spam so you don't have to delete them individually (c) empty trash and it actually deletes it from the server so you don't have to do it in the web version

  108. Come on, Google Mobile team - it's time for an update, don't you think?
    You post with no mention of limitation of availability (why would there be any?), and yet there are 15+ of the comments that can't find the app in the market.
    They do deserve an answer - why, when.

  109. For those who don't find the new GMail app in the market: Install "Fast Web Installer" from Market, run it once and then open appbrain.com on the internal browser, search for "GMail" and click the "Install"-button. Worked fine for me (Germany).

  110. I dont have froyo yet (Samsung Captivate) so I'm not getting update..

    What I would really like to see in gmail app is the ability to edit the body of an email when replying or forwarding.

  111. Why you did not do it for Nokia 5800?

  112. Unable to install on my Android 2.2 myTouch 1.2. Using custom 2.2 ROM and never have had any problems with any other apps such as Twitter that require Android 2.2 yet the new GMAIL app refuses to install. Any ideas?

  113. @Harold..

    Advice? Yes..

    Buy an iPhone, Google have left the building!

  114. @Harold..

    Advice? Yes..

    Buy an iPhone, Google have left the building!

  115. Works like a charm on a HTC Desire with Android 2.2 "Froyo" (NL). Found it by searching the Market.

    It'd be pretty much perfect if notifications for labels were supported... *hint*


  116. So the new features are great, but gmail for android still doesn't have the ONE feature that's actually REQUIRED for an email reader on a mobile phone: the ability to resize the email you're reading. The regular Android email reader has this, but gmail, for some inexplicable reason, doesn't. I much prefer the gmail app over the regular Android email app, except for this one feature: and this one feature keeps me from using gmail. Guys, please, please add the ability to resize the email you're reading (both through a pinch motion, or a double-tab on the portion of the screen you're interested in).

  117. www.TechVideoTips.com - Quality Technology Videos Updated Daily for your Quick Reference.

  118. can someone please explain to me how to view my custom group contacts from my gmail?
    i can see them when i go to the phone contacts
    but in the actual gmail application on my android 2.2 phone it does not see those groups
    please please help

  119. Has anyone figured out how to use a android device such as a droid x and make or receive a call from gmail? if so please post the solution i would love the ability to call from gmail from my droid.

  120. On a Droid X, with a single Gmail account, but syncing to multiple calendar accounts.
    I updated Gmail just after the froyo updated and that virtually froze all functions on the device. I backed out the gmail update from App Manger and it worked fine.. I repeated the gmail upgrade but to the same result.
    Now backed up, and hoping to get the best gmail experience soon.

  121. I want to download this app. But almost every app that I have look at on the Google web site kicks me to a screen that says. "The Requested Item could not be found"

    I am using a Telus HTC Desire.
    Why can Telus hold the up dates back from the phone. this phone is still running 2.1! So brutal. TELUS SET MY PHONE FREE! Give us the new updates please! :)


  122. Have Incredible w/ Froyo, important message actions do not stick to top of screen!! Also, why can't I move messages to folders? I don't see an option any where! Where do messages go when archived? I archived a message and haven't been able to ind it! I love my phone, but Gmail is a lot easier for me on my computer whereas the Yahoo Mail app works great!

  123. For some reason the fetching is really slow now. Slower than before and sometimes nothing happens after selecting preview. Please look into this. HTC evo

  124. HTC Desire, FroYo, in Indonesia. No dice.

    So this only works for Froyo devices in the US. What's that? Like 1/4th of the devices out there?

  125. Can you please enable this worldwide? I am in Europe and cannot see this in the Market :-(

  126. Can you please make the top menu label, that now sticks to the top as you scroll down, an option in the settings. I do not like it. It makes the screen a lot smaller. Especially when you have it on landscape mode. its like looking at your email through a mailbox slot. I have a 4.3 in. screen phone. I can't imagine how annoying it would be on other phones with smaller screens.

  127. Love Gmail on Android. With that said I have two requests:

    1) Spell check somewhere .... please. Going from Blackbeery to my Droid2 is killing me.

    2) Allow accepting calendar events from Notes. I forward my Notes email to my Gmail account and the web version knows it's a Invite and gives me a link to add to my calendar, but the Android version does nothing.


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