Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fun on the Autobahn: Google Maps Navigation in 11 more Countries

There’s nothing quite like driving through Europe in the summer. In the past week, I’ve seen the beautiful Val d’Aosta, the Swiss Alps, the Cathedral in Chartres, and travelled through the Channel Tunnel as I road-tripped from Milan to Geneva, Zürich to Stuttgart, and on through Paris to London. Why the burst of mileage? Well, I’ve been testing Google Maps Navigation version 4.2. Yes, road-testing it around Europe was a grueling process, but somebody had to do it :)

Today we’re launching Google Maps Navigation version 4.2 in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland for Android devices 1.6 and higher. Google Maps Navigation is an Internet-connected GPS navigation or ‘satnav’ system that provides turn-by-turn voice guidance as a free feature of Google Maps.

On my test trip, I found a number of Navigation features useful:
  • While driving through the Loire Valley, I put my French language skills to the test by finding my destination with Search by voice (now launched in French, German, Italian, and Spanish for Android 2.0 and higher);
  • I previewed a typical British roundabout with Street View to see exactly where I’d need to exit before getting there in person;
  • I satisfied my craving for moules frites by searching for it along my route;
  • I kept the gas stations layer on to ensure I’d always know where the nearest petrol station was, just in case;
  • And, of course, the turn-by-turn voice guidance kept me on-track to my destination -- despite my sometimes spotty connection in mountain tunnels -- thanks to the way Maps Navigation saves the route on your device when you start.
Google Maps Navigation (beta) with Search by voice is available in version 4.2 of Google Maps, on Android devices 1.6 and higher. To download Google Maps version 4.2, search for Google Maps in Android Market.

Try Google Maps Navigation in your local country and language today -- and have a great time touring around the Continent this summer if you get the chance!


  1. Awesome! I'm about to move to Italy, so this will certainly help me get around.

  2. When Israel get Google Maps Navigation?

  3. YAY! Portugal!
    Thanks for the great work, guys.
    Goodbye TomTom One Europe.

    Oh, and what about some more voices in diferent languages, Google?

  4. How can I use Google maps navigation in Europe without spending my entire salary on roaming fees?

  5. What about South Africa??? World cup visitors are gonna get lost, they need some navigation!

  6. come on boys.. we need directions in Sweden to you know!

  7. Please enable Australia soon. Everything is set up already, you just need to work out licensing issues...It can't be that hard! 22million people will thank you!

  8. Thank you google guys this is great news !

  9. Keeping my fingers crossed for Nav in Sweden as well! Would be ever so sweet to have that in time for summer vacation! =) Nevertheless, what a wonderful job and a fantastic service you provide! TY!!!

  10. "typical British roundabout" - That is not typical, that is the worst type!!

  11. Why did you stop just one country short of Hungary? At least we can hope to have it soon, Maps Navigation is in the neighborhood for now. It would be a real treat to have it, as well as paid apps. Please?

  12. Consider Hong Kong please... please keep up with the street view as well, don't give up Hong Kong please.

  13. What happens with Canary Islands, we are in Spain, but it says that not available!!

  14. I would like to know how you went about with the different mobile internet providers throughout Europe... because as far as I know there are no Full Data packages for the whole of Europe available yet...

    Normally you pay jackpot when crossing a border, how is going to be solved?

  15. A big Thank You from Germany!

  16. Adding my vote for Norway next!

  17. i dont see updated maps in market, im in austria, what can i do?

  18. Yes i would also like this in Sweden. Hope this will come soon

  19. I know, Hungary is a small market, and country, but we would very happy if you allowed to use the google maps navigation:)

  20. Oh Hell Yhea! :) Iam about to chew-up the auto-bahn in Stuttgart with this today.
    I have been waiting for this, Good work Google.

  21. Thanks from Italy !!

    Navigation and voice recognition works perfectly !!

    My android device was a super robot now ;-)

  22. Brazik is a very big country. Please consider the Brasil. Thanks

  23. Could you implement pre-loading and caching of maps too? Especially useful if goung on vacation where WLAN is sparse and 3G / mobile data traffic expensive for foreigners?

  24. That is a good idea, is it possible?

  25. It appears the comments section is a poll for which country should get it next :)

    If so... South Africa please :D

    Btw... Thanks for launching Street View here :)

  26. is this a poll? if so I vote for Brazil! and brazillian portuguese voice search.

  27. Sweden, New Zealand and Canada are my priorities. TY for Canada!

  28. If you speak English and live in a foreign country, why do we have to wait until Google translate into that language? Why cant we just get the English version?

  29. - "What about South Africa??? World cup visitors are gonna get lost, they need some navigation!"

    He is right, would be great and a lot of good publicity for google!

    And please, do add Sweden soon! /Swede

  30. Canary islands is a province of Spain. Please enable. :)

  31. The idea is great but as some have stated, mobile internet costs will be a killer when driving abroad. "Fun on the Autobahn" for example would cost me € 5.95 per downloaded MB. So I won't be using this on international trips...for now.

  32. Can anyone explain why we don't have it for Australia yet? Considering the google maps team started here...

  33. I was getting so frustrated waiting. Eyeing that new iPhone 4.

    And then just like that Google reminded me that I have steak waiting for me at home and I don't need to eye the burgers.

    Go Google!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing this to Canada.

  34. Hellooooo...Denmark?
    What about Sweden???
    You know, that nordic country that has the most internet mobile connected devices per capita in the whole world, and the first 4G mobile network in the world...

  35. Another vote for Sweden and also another vote for being able to use the "Search by voice" in English!

    Keep up the good work!

  36. India?? India is the biggest market!

  37. Offline mode please...

    Data is still very expensive, especially when roaming!

    Preloading entire countries to SD card would be of great use!

    And I know we're not really an important market, but Serbia has really nice maps already, and all carriers are selling android phones like hotcakes!

  38. I think Chile will be the last country to be included! But India? Is impossible to track India! Too big!

  39. Make it workable on Android 1.5! :)

  40. Canada loves you even more, Google!

  41. Great timing, just after launch of iPhone 4. Thanks Google!! ( from The Netherlands )

  42. And of course Telus Hero 1.5 users are YET AGAIN left out in the cold.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Will Google bring this to the iPhone?

  45. I hope you will one day not leave Asia in the dark! Bring it to Asia! We are always left out! Com'on HTC is from Taiwan!

  46. What about Navigation for Mexico? What about Navigation for iPhone... I mean, there's an app called "NDrive Mexico" and this app has been number one in the Top Grossing chart for weeks in the Mexican app store. You can get the app for $50USD. I believe this indicates that Mexican people is a great market for GPS based services.

  47. I cant understand restriction. If USA citisen come EU then he/she cant navigate ?

    OK.. but please add Estoia, Latvia and Finland.

  48. this is the best - you guys own the world!!! - looking forward to froyo on htc. what would the world be without google!? definently buying the wepad - to bad its not gonna have tegra2

  49. Yeah, yeah, yeah... Now do Finland.

  50. Damn! My HTC Magic is still 1.5... :(

    Can you guys please make it work on 1.5? Or maybe push HTC to update us?

  51. I don't think you should give navigation to Sweden - they are lost by nature, so it won't help ;-)

  52. I vote for Australia next.

    There is a modified version of maps on XDA that removes the region restriction but has a few minor bugs (although most of them have been fixed). Just Google "XDA Brut Maps"

    @Nelson_Cruz: Just root your phone and get CyanogenMod. Even if HTC push out an update for the Magic (they did say it's getting 2.2), it probably won't be for ages (ie in 6 months when the next version is out). And there is no guarantee that we will see the next version get an update, at that point most people will be coming out of their contracts and HTC will want them buying new phones. The next Android version could be important since it apparently modularizes the OS so you could just get individual updates for the phones components like you do apps. It would mean you no longer have to wait for the updates from the handset maker. Then again they might decide to roll out the update since that would mean they would have less need to roll out future ones.

  53. This is great! Waiting for Norway (Scandinavia) now!
    Keep it coming! Good job!

  54. Fail until Blackberry support is provided...

  55. Also I vote for enabling map downloads too

  56. Australia and NZ have to be next

  57. Brazilian maps!!

    And Offline maps too.

  58. Hey there,
    What about India?
    Where are you launch this feature in

    Nevil Gandhi

  59. u guys like challenges ??, implement it in INDIA !!

  60. I live in Belgium and Luxembourg and I'm not finding the Google Maps in the Market.
    Am I missing something?
    Appriciate your help.


  61. When will you add India? We need it more than anyone. Roads are a mess here.

  62. Sweden. Pretty please!

  63. Heard a rumor that Google Navigation for South Africa was going to be launched just in time for the Soccer World Cup?

    Any truth in this? A huge plus for foreign visitors coming to South Africa!

    Cmon Google, do it!

  64. Seriously, still no sweden...

  65. We Need this in South Africa Especially during the Soccer world cup

  66. GREAT! This is awesome!

    Preloading entire countries to SD card would be great!

    Because navigate from The Netherlands to France would cost 1000 euros for Roaming costs...

    I love google more and more!

    Lex Wind, The Netherlands

  67. Here's another vote for pre-loading areas to your SD card to avoid roaming costs. I'm in Canada, and don't use navigation much up here... but would really like to use it in the States when I visit. Only problem is the data roaming costs.

    What say you, oh google gurus?

  68. This is sooo awesome. I always though "If it's not even in Europe right now it will take months or even years until it arrives in tiny little Austria".
    The next day I check my news widget and it's released in Austria :D

  69. We really need some kind of caching, because of the horrendous roaming fees or areas with poor or no network coverage.

  70. Please bring it to Singapore soon...

  71. Google, please launch Navigation in Australia by the time Froyo is introduced here (July).
    22 Million Australians are eagerly awaiting it's launch here.

  72. What about this app for iPhone?

  73. Navigation is a very good tool. Thanks Google :-)
    Best wishes from Stuttgart/Germany...

  74. Bring it to Australia, also make the Nexus One available for sale in Australia!!

  75. Who paid your roaming bill?
    Should be far north of 3000USD ...

  76. I'm planning on using Google Navigation in Ireland later this summer, but am a little concerned about the data usage. While preloading would be great, I understand there are licensing issues with that for maps. So I had a few simple questions/suggestions:

    1) How much data does Google Navigation use? I understand that it depends on the route, but it would be nice to have a rough idea. I assume once you have the route loaded, that there is not data usage except if you go off track? When I used the iPhone in Canada with Google Maps, I could get GPS positions even with having data disabled.

    2) If the phone knows it's roaming, could Google Navigation go into a "low data usage" mode optionally. If it can't be done automatically, then perhaps an option to go "low data". This would include things like not showing images, using map view instead of sky view, and limiting other data polling like traffic, etc.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Please provide Google Maps for Mobile navigation on the Symbian Series 60 5 th edition touch interface. Nokia is already giving voice navigation for free on this platfrom.

  79. Dear Google! We need this in RUSSIA. Please do it as soon as you can. Please....

  80. South Africa asseblief (please). We don't want our visitors losing their way...

    Thanks for your awesome products and services, brilliant stuff that reaches even places like the tip of Africa!

  81. Please make navigation available for Windows Mobile, I had an android phone and I love the navigation from you guys. I really hope you consider our comments.

  82. I'm sure someone has said it already, but that really isn't a typical British roundabout. The vast majority don't have the smaller supplementary roundabouts off the larger.
    Anyway, the article isn't about roundabouts. Google Navigation looks awesome, I just hope it comes to iPhone in the future. Keep up the great work.

  83. I am enthusiastic user of Google Maps, but... on the Blackberry. Will we get navigation on this platform? We should, after all we get all the other features!

  84. San Juan Puerto Rico does not work and is part of the United States and the app is not available at my location, would know if they will include ...


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