Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grunt, Woof and Moo to you too

(Cross-posted with the Google translate blog)

For millennia man and animal have tolerantly coexisted, separated by language and the development of opposable thumbs. Today we can proudly say that we have overcome one of those hurdles. Presenting Google Translate for Animals, a new application available in Android Market.

This application allows you to record animal sounds and have the sounds analyzed and translated by Google Translate into any of the 52 supported languages. With animal translation you can finally understand why Spot keeps peeing in your closet or why Pickles keeps leaving dead mice in the tub. No longer must humanity struggle to comprehend when Lassie warns, “Hurry, Timmy’s fallen down the well!”

The technology isn’t perfect yet, so you may discover some translations that don’t make perfect sense. The algorithms are always improving however, thanks to the large corpus of cute cat videos that have been uploaded to YouTube.

We think that this is an exciting step in understanding and communicating with the world around us. Stay tuned for the addition of “old car” and “stomach” to the translation capabilities of the application this summer.


  1. Nice April Fools joke!! Google, you iz odd!

  2. Awesome man. I've been wondering what my pet sloth said.

  3. This has to be the best April Fools Prank Ever

  4. Yayyy...I cant wait! Finally, my turtle will be able to tell me why she only poos AFTER I change the 30 gallons of water from her tank!

  5. I love your sense of H-oom-er Google! :D Can't wait to see what your team will come up with next April 1st! Keep up the great work - I loooove my gmail!!

  6. Our blog would die without Google it!

  7. I've done everything to get this but still no luck. HTC hero Sprint. Any other hero users experiencing the same?

  8. OMG, Google, you are the god of all apps.

    What a great April Fools spoof.

  9. Does the app come with waterproofing capabilities? Dying to know what the fish are saying.


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