An Android dogfood diet for the holidays

Saturday, December 12, 2009 | 8:58 AM

At Google, we are constantly experimenting with new products and technologies, and often ask employees to test these products for quick feedback and suggestions for improvements in a process we call dogfooding (from "eating your own dogfood"). Well this holiday season, we are taking dogfooding to a new level.

We recently came up with the concept of a mobile lab, which is a device that combines innovative hardware from a partner with software that runs on Android to experiment with new mobile features and capabilities, and we shared this device with Google employees across the globe. This means they get to test out a new technology and help improve it.

Unfortunately, because dogfooding is a process exclusively for Google employees, we cannot share specific product details. We hope to share more after our dogfood diet.


Ted said...

So wait. If I am following this analogy correctly then that makes us (the google consuming public) the dogs?


No really. One question. I have until Dec 18th to return my VZW Droid. Should i do it?

How does the screen resolution compare?


Garok89 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Garok89 said...

could this be the rumoured gPhone?

Anonymous said...

@Ted: "eating your own dogfood" is a term often used to indicate a company who makes the product, actually uses it them selves too.

See for the full history on the terminology.

So no, this doesn't imply anything about the species of our customers :)

Matt Kanninen said...

The Droid is WVGA, so the resolution is more then twice the HVGA screens of the other Android or i phones.

It's not without issues, I'll be returning mine tomorrow due to screen blackout issues on sliding. However I wouldn't consider replacing it with anything except another droid :) Best phone ever made.

Damion Flynn said...

If this IS the rumored Google Phone, I am all ears. My contract with T-Mobile ends next month and I have been drooling over the Droid (a buddy has it but I was highly unimpressed with GPS functionality)

I would love the idea of being on board with the first Google Phone!!

Unknown said...

Wow....can't wait to play with this myself!

Ken said...

Is this why the AT&T 3G network crashed yesterday?

Dr. Tracey said...

Wow! That is amazing.

When will this "product" be available to purchase by the mere mortal?

When will we see official specs?

Debra Kay said...

If I sit up beg and roll over will you tell me more? I'm not proud, really.

Gosh, android users seem to be a cranky lot. Lighten up people-it's a phone, not life support!

Ted said...

@Chris, woof woof.

Nikolaos Dimopoulos said...

I will be more than interested in a phone like that. The question is, how many 'restrictions' will the carrier put on it through the data plans. For instance I would love to change my iPhone for an Android phone, provided that I am allowed to tether. AT&T doesn't allow you to do that (why the heck do you call it an 'unlimited data plan' then). I am curious as to how much leverage will Google have over the telecom company and their plan.

I am for sure looking this closely and if/when it becomes available and what the full list of features will be.

Unknown said...

Just when I was ready to leave Verizon for good and switch to T-Mobile (come on, they're half price!), now I wonder if I wait another six months or a year I could get one of these. I know phones already could do data only, but none of them are based around it.

Ken said...

Will be interesting to see what kind of service plans this supports. If they can run the phone data-only with VOIP for voice, the monthly fee may be half what of what other smartphones cost. That will be a real "iphone killer".

Anonymous said...

I really hope this is ad supported, i.e., totally free... I'd even put up with a 30 second commercial before making a phone call

Ken said...

Voice ads aren't going to work. I expect the ads will be on the screen, like the way Google already places ads on the Gmail and Google search web sites. With GPS data from the phone, etc., there are all kinds of new ways that Google can advertise to you.

If the ads were relevant (like discounts at nearby businesses) and not obtrusive (like flashing an ad after you hang up the call), most people would put up with that in exchange for a much lower monthly rate (vs. what other cell phones cost).

Matt Kanninen said...

No ads, or no more then now. Just. Make it a UMA vice that is compatible with T-Mobile Hotspot at home or can use google voice over wifi. let it use prepaid sims otherwise.

Unknown said...

i would return my droid, actually i did return my droid about 2 weeks ago. I knew google was coming out with a phone, but i dont think this is it. I think the official google phone will be even better, and i can deal with my g1 for another few months.

Ninja said...

I'm dying to know what it looks like! Please post a picture of said "dogfood" :)

Unknown said...

I hope it will be available in other markets (Australia!) soon. The carriers here could do with some disrupting...

Unknown said...

For those asking about ditching the droid for this phone, rumor has it that this is a GSM phone, meaning you would have to switch from Verizon. A deal breaker for most.

leogaggl said...

when did you guys change your 'dogfooding' policy ? i can remember the BETA sign over everything ....

dogfood for all !!!


Salvo Dan said...

It'd be interesting to see what hardware it will be using.
I can't see Google Employees being happy with anything Underpowered or Short on Storage.
If it only has a 1GHz Snapdragon and no GPU, it still won't even touch an iPhone. If it has less than 2GB Internal RAM, it won't be able to run many Android Apps either.

Garok89 said...

i assume you mean ROM?
and android phone with 2GB RAM would kick ass though....

Unknown said...

If you have any phone left I'll give you some feedback too. My address:

C/ Cisne, 21
28500 - Arganda del Rey
Madrid (SPAIN)

Thanks a lot!

Please post a photo, we are all excited with this phone ^_^

Sophia said...

Google, I love you. Please let this be a Google phone, and please make it on your own network (Google Voice + Gizmo5) and please please please make it available in Canada. Mobile phone carries SUCK here, and we need you to stir 'm up. I, for one, can't wait.

One word: WANT!

Ankur said...

Well I am anxious waiting for the so called HTC Nexus One and hope as the ads are saying its an iphone with steroids, its gonna prove itself as a google device.

Also I hope the price tag is also gonna b an attractive one for the masses and it wont be just as exclusive as some of the other bests in market.

I hope google try be more nutty and make GPS available via satellite and not just by the provider! ;)

Whats the estimated date : Jan'10?

Ankur said...

I am sure google understands that to move into the product market, they not only need a superb device, but a great marketing strategy.

The opponents are smart and specially Apple. The product in itself is a star product for Apple and with the cash flows and penetration in market, Apple have a lot of unutilized power which even they dont recognize as of now but can leverage later.
Also apple has a mature product in the market with an apt pricing strategy and impressive list of apps and who knows if apple itself adapts to one version of Android some day, after all its open source, so what if its google.

Keeping in mind that how google has associated themselves with T-Mobile and partnered with Motorola, it would be interesting how they position themselves in the market.

Am waiting...

Anees said...

So the google phone is here. what do u guys call it? Nexus One?? I'm planning to buy a device from sony ericsson. But now I think it would be better to wait till the arrival of google phone.

Jiks said...

Hope the device would be at least as responsive as the iPhone unlike other sluggish Android devices. And I also sincerely wish that it will available globally.

Unknown said...

"Dogfooding"? Come on Google, throw us all a bone or something! We need more info. I certainly don't wanna go to doggy heaven tomorrow without ever seeing the official Google Phone. How about if I just roll over and play dead?

Damion Flynn said...

Techcrunch did an article on this earlier - this is where I came across this "official" information.

For those interested in seeing a picture - they have one up there. Not sure if it is a confirmed picture or not, but here is the link:

Ninja said...

No, that's the HTC Passion I believe.
I don't think there aren't any confirmed pictures of the real phone yet.

Unknown said...

When you need some external testers I'll try and make myself available.

Knight Telekinetic said...

I really hope Google can undercut the iPhone for the cost of monthly service plans (unlimited text, voice, data etc.) !!! $90/month is way too much in this economy! LOL~

Unknown said...

Nexus One, Google Phone is out with Real Image -

Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown said...

Kinda interesting to see if they'd choose to jump into hardware side as well. Somehow I'm not sure what they would gain from it.. Maybe they can't get enough money from licensing Android since it's mainly open source?

Any way, I suppose little extra competition never hurts, that will hopefully get consumers better products, more choice and lower prices.

Personally I'm still loving Maemo though! :)

Rob Levy said...

I hope the rumors of data plan only + google voice are true. That would make Google a true hero of the mobile computing revolution by bring prices down to the level where frugal people like myself will accept the cost of the plan!

Robert - Chicago said...

As one writer noted, the opportunity here is for Google to really think strategically and completely redefine the cell phone category. We all saw how iPhone took off, even when grossly overpriced and tethered to AT&T. The cell phone business model, which necessarily reaps gobs of profit from customers for two players (i.e., hardware manufacturers and carriers) at customers' expense deserves to be broken. Google has the investment capital, the know-how, the throw-weight, the brand, the global reach, the momentum and the credibility to not only disrupt the market, but redefine it. Personally, I am a fairly satisfied Verizon customer and I was going to get a Droid in March, but I would strongly consider switching my entire family - and my $260 monthly cell bill - to Google for a better phone that does more for less. It's time for Apple and Google to go head-to-head now that Eric Schmidt is off the Apple Board and that conflict is history. As for now, as the iPhone challenged the smartphone category, let's see Google take it a step further with an integrated product that sacrifices the entire cell phone category. We'll see what the Google computer does next.

Knight Telekinetic said...

Rob I agree!

Unknown said...

If Google decides to sell their phone directly to the consumer, I hope the shipping costs are low. I remember the development G1 phone was cheap but shipping it to Canada would've added 200 dollars to the pricetag...

Unknown said...

We all want dogfood !!.....

You have already created the buzz...(tick) please more details google guys! Christmas is coming and people are ready to buy(postpone) new phones...

Ankur said...

Yes... I can wait for more... 1st I waited for Droid, and then i postponed it for X10, and now Nexus One...

As one of the readers noted, the real game would be here if google come up with data plans and let us use google voice... attractive with low price!

Am game!!

Unknown said...

"Ted said...
So wait. If I am following this analogy correctly then that makes us (the google consuming public) the dogs?"

The analogy is basically lets say you have a dog food company, you like to claim your dog food is the best. If you willingly and lovingly eat your own dog food, it must be good.

DaddyBird said...

I would like to See Google Release this product and open Retail stores to compete with Apple...then that would be killer. Google could sell phones and sell instruction time for developers or just basic class on existing Google products. If you want to do it please contact me I would love to work to help create the model.


Holy cow!

I've been using the 'dog food' metaphor for about 35 years now.

the visionaries who figure out how to eliminate the dog food buyers and feed the dogs directly are going to be the people who will propel us out of being slaves.

woof woof

viewfromstu said...

The only question I have left (after, well, googling this) is when can I get one?

anyone else notice that Google's beta level code is more stable than most other provider's gold releases? :-)

macewan said...

At what point can the rest of the pack expect to partake?

Unknown said...

The Google phone is to be called the Nexus One, it will run the Android OS, it will be manufactured by HTC and best of all the phone will be unlocked and sold by Google.

Pictures and More information here!

Unknown said...

The green point could indicate a front camera...

Unknown said...

ne anthane parayunath

Anonymous said...

As long as the new Android platform detracts from Microsoft's influence, I'm all for it!

I currently have an iPhone and the implementation of Maps has been wonderful.

Once my contract is fulfilled, I will certainly look into the Android product line.

The convergence of Google and consumer electronics has been quite pleasant.

To think that a search engine has done so much for the consumer is profound.

I remember visiting the Googleplex back in 06 during NYLF/Tech. Awesome environment representative of 'the Google ethos.'

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Google Phone looks like this, how come it's almost identical to HTC Hero!?

Björn said...

I´m hungry, i want your dog food :)

Marc said...

Woef... where's my device?

wonderbread said...

Google wouldn't dare use a non FCC approved transmitter would they? No way! So, where's the FCC filing for this phone? Ready? HUNT!

Damion Flynn said...

My guess would be that if HTC is manufacturing the device, then they would be the ones to register the device with the FCC

Jeremy Workman said...

I can speculate the dogfood consists of:

1GHz Snapdragon Processor
3.7-inch touchscreen
WVGA resolution
quadband and dualband
5-megapixel camera w/ AF and Flash
512MB Flash
1400 mAh battery
FM radio
3.5mm headphone socket
Android 2.1 or 2.0.1

No carriers are currently being used with the device. Which means VoIP is the only option. :)

Unknown said...

finally revealed. Next interesting questions: which price?- are they subsidized via a carrier or google, how does the business model look.

If you google guys keep the price low, it will be a game changer.

TexasKit said...

I'm an old dog who's been waiting patiently for Google's new trick smartphone. I'm a free agent, no contract with anyone now, resisting AT&T's siren call to iphone. Can hardly wait Would LOVE to treat myself to this product for my birthday this week. A b...h can dream, can't she? ;)

Unknown said...

i like your information & i want more information about that

Áine said...

Please let this be a free, ad-supported, alternative to the monopolistic telecom carriers that millions of unemployed people all over the world currently cannot afford.

I'd even give you what's sitting in my adsense account for a phone like that. (Hmmm... now there's an interesting idea...)

UberExec said...

GSM? GSM??? Don't bother selling it outside America or India, the ROW is using 3G.

Stephanie said...

Just wanted to drop a hint...

Keep in mind that many "smartphone" users use their phone in a corporate environment and need to have exchange capabilities. The problem with most droids is it interacts with exchange email but not contacts or calendars. I really want a phone like this, but have to have exchange calendar sync at a minimum.

PLEEEEEEAAAAASE tell me this phone can do this. or at least suggest the capability for an app add on or something.

Unknown said...

Hi there,

A gPhone sounds great if we take a look at Google's history. I am looking really forward to it because nearly everything they've come up with has been an innovation (I would even say Google is the most innovative enterprise out there). But bearing in mind that Google IS living (almost exclusively) thanks to advertising, I hope they don't get to "hear" my conversations in order to send me user-specific ads as they actually do with Gmail. (Just take a look at the ads shown when you open different emails, these ads are realted to the subject of the emails, therefore they are using my personal information to send me ads=they are "reading" my email.)


BS said...

My guess is, this phone will be released in approximately 17.6588426 days.....


just let it have UMA, VOIP, 3-g data and pre-paid simcard capabilities.

with all of that stuff on board it will be a game changer and the cellcos and telcos will have to ante up in our favor.

Unknown said...

Hopefully they can add in graphic and financial calculators as well

Unknown said...

My money is burning a hole in my pocket. I am at the end of my contract for my iphone and have been research Android devices for months. Now it seems that I will be playing the waiting game even longer. Always waiting for the next best thing, I just don't want to get something with a 2 year contract and 2 months later wish I would have waited.

Unknown said...

Just one request: UMA (wi fi calling) PLEASE!

Holding off on replacing a T-Mobile BB.. really want android, need wifi calling (UMA) to use when overseas or in areas with good wifi coverage and poor cell coverage.

Would make this device a slam-dunk!

macewan said...

T-Mobile appears to be a carrier as seen in this picture:

BeN said...

Please Google, tell us.... only 2 questions...

When Google Phone arrives to the market???

and the price estimated????

Jeremy Workman said...

The rumors are that any sim card can be used. Which means T-Mobile may not be the only carrier. If you really want Mobile VoIP, there is always Mi-Fi plus Sipdroid.

viewfromstu said...

much sadness. FCC reports became available today and show conclusively that this phone will not work ONLY on tmo 3G networks, Edge for both AT&T but no AT&T 3G.

Dayna D said...

Awww, Google, come on . . . we Sprint users deserve a rockin' phone!

The Atomic Soul said...

Does this have a hardware GPS like the Zii?

I hope so, because I want an Android MP3 player/GPS _WITHOUT_ a phone contract.
I don't use a phone enough to need the added bill.
I WOULD be interested in a $30 a month unlimited data plan though.

Unknown said...

I hope that the new google phone comes with wimax/ 4g connecting capabilities for those of use that live in cities covered with wifi like Clear in Atlanta.

Jeremy Workman said...

WiMAX is not the 4G standard. It is more like 3.5G. But yeah, having a device that combines a broadband wireless connection with an actual handset would be sweet. Tests show that VoIP only needs upload speeds around 75kbps and even less with codecs.

Anonymous said...

I hope they release a Verizon compatible version as I never use the slider on my Droid.

vixen said...

Bark, Bark, Ted...

Unknown said...

I hope VZW will convert to GSM.

Sumit Asok said...

All these blogs say about Android with a carrier ( AT&T or any US ones) while there is a world at the other side of globe...and it's going to be the real market for android to flourish...

I request , to bring every technology to us at the same time it is released in US.

Hope all the devices are not build network provider specific.

Else if we import one from US, we will be in trouble.

Unknown said...

I would be very interested in being part of a test or test panel on this phone, especially if it is a phone that will have apps. As a budget minded mother, I have some ideas on apps that can help save money, etc. - would like to see if this phone incorporated anything like this. Thanks! Annette/Memphis

"Guppy" Honaker said...

Any target date on when "Dogfood" will become available to the public for testing?
- David
10 Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera

Unknown said...

If you can't tell us anything specific until the diet is over, ca you at least give an estimation on the date of which said diet is to end?
I wanted to get the Motorola droid, but this thing looks better (going by the info posted trough the rumors)
And it would seem kinda backstabbish to release a better phone then the motorola droid just 1 or 2 months after the Droids release. So I don't fully believe the rumors yet, but I am anxiously awaiting official information about Nexus One

Ken said...

Several news reports have given a January 5 date. Don't know if that is the official product announcement date, the date that ordering will start, or the date shipping will start.

I assume that Google is waiting until after Christmas to officially release this so they won't cannablize the sales of other Android phones.

If supply is limited, I hope they give first priority to existing Google Voice users :)

The Extreme Moderate said...

It's weird how for a really long time, people feared monopolies and hated advertising (hence the rise of a 'rebel' product like Tivo) and yet now are feverishly embracing both in one master.

If the genius of Jobs is industrial design, building ecosystems and slick marketing, the genius of Sergey and Larry has got to be in realizing that people will cede TOTAL control over to a single entity if you wave enough "free" stuff at them. I assume most people figure "well I dont even look at the ads, so who cares". This just makes it all the more AMAZING that so many PAY for those ads that everyone is happily ignoring!

Android is cool and I have an Android device... Just seems to me like Google has moved pretty quickly from being a black box, to being a destination, to being an ad agency, to providing apps, and a platform, and a browser, and an OS, and now devices and core infrastructure. I assume the next step will be becoming a carrier.

Very strange that the legions who wanted Microsoft burned to the ground arent the slightest bit concerned that a single entity may well be controlling the totality of distributed computing from end to end with no government regulation whatsoever.

Its really unprecedented, even in speculation, to have a very real possibility of a single company having majority marketshare of the OS, the browser, the device, the wire, the plumbing, the destination, the content and all of the money that flows through it.

viewfromstu said...

Dear Santa:

Please have google release a version of the NexusOne that works on AT&T's 3G bands. It seems that is the only way AT&T users will get current hardware running android on our network without having it imported from the great white north.

PS. I really have been a good boy all year long, and if your records show differently, I will demand a recount.

Unknown said...

UMA or other wifi/VOIP calling would be HUGE! This is an indispensable feature for traveling, and also for freeing us from a carrier's network when it doesn't function. UMA! UMA! UMA! VOIP! VOIP! VOIP!

Sophia said...

Dear Google, I am from Europe and moved to North-America a few years ago. I have seen how it is to NOT be locked in a contract with your phone. Having it unlocked is free after one year anyway, no questions asked. I thought it was NORMAL not to pay for receiving phone calls. I could not IMAGINE having to pay for INCOMING sms. I thought nothing of having a prepaid card with an unlimited expiry date, instead of being forced to top up EVERY month! Since I live here, I flatly refused to feed any carrier my hard earned pennies.

I realize that all this is unknown to "this" part of the world. I don't think people realize yet how things should be... and hopefully you are the one finally going to do it. Make the difference!

Frankly, I'd gladly give up all my privacy in order to get this phone for a cheap price, including REASONABLE data plans. You wish to know the color of my socks? White... today. You are quite welcome to peek into my webcam and recommend a cream for the bags under my eyes, and yes, I know that cream will match my eye color and complexion perfectly.

Google, you are the Future of Wireless. Make it happen, make it soon... we need you!

Oh yes, and make it worldwide too, I am in Canada right now.


Google Fan No 1 ;)

Ananya said...

To those expecting this phone on AT&T:

The Nexus one phone in it's current avatar will only support AT&T Edge. It will NOT give you 3G speeds on AT&T.

Alex said...

It is said that the phone will be sold online by google. will it be delivered to other countries, like, say, Romania, where I'm from? :)
I'm asking you this cos i wanna know how to spend my chistmas money and what to ask for! :D

Unknown said...

If not meant for public consumption, then why the full FCC certification?

lvtrain said...

Dear Santa,

What I would like for Christmas (ok, I'll wait if I have to) is for a phone that I can use on whichever network I choose. I do not want to be locked into a contract. Wouldn't it be great if I could use Google Voice to make free calls? Since I already pay for internet I could use this without a gun held to my head. Please make a little boy happy!

theBIGmack said...

I want a job at Google.

Unknown said...

PLEASE allow a global font size option. The DROID does not have this and it is very disappointing. Take a look at Blackberrys that have had the option to allow you to change the font size globally. All apps get set to that font.

- A said...

In lieu of old Christmas gifts to publishers and advertisers, an idea would be to give out advance option to buy the Google phone just ahead of the public. Wouldn't cost a dime (other than emails or messages in our accounts) and would provide some good will and cheer.

Unknown said...

As a Tmobile customer I WOULD LOVE TO BE A DOGFOODER for this project! I would really like to buy one but I am worried about the cost sooooooo... why not just let me test it for you.

Unknown said...

I live in Peru (South America) and find this just fantastic! ... Would really (REALLY) like to get one as soon as these are available... my brother has a G1 he bought on the US and is really great... and this new one is going (fur sure!) to be better! Will have to smuggle from the US though (metaphorically speaking - I work on regulatory affairs... so it would be rahter ackward to be cough doing that...).
Would be nice if you could consider distributing rest of the world !

Unknown said...

A little over a week and still not a peep from Google. Does anybody see this as a viable scenario: Leak the phone, let the hype build to a peak, "allow it" to fall in to the hands of some bloggers who bring the hype down some by pointing out some of it's flaws (no multi-touch, 3G on T Mo only, no native VOIP etc...), then "fix" all those issues and release the phone raising the hype to an all time high. Brilliant!

Knight Telekinetic said...

The google dude finally replied and said this phone was made per their specs for in-house testing with Apps etc. So maybe Google isn't going to release their own commercial phone afterall? Hmm.

Unknown said...

What else is he going to say until it's officially announced?

Unknown said...

Here is an idea for you Google?

Isaacws said...

I wish you guys at google would consider developing a phone like the xt800. It has GSM and CDMA and would be the ultimate unlocked phone imo. It is time the US markets have a phone supporting R-UIM cards for CDMA. Verizon still has the most coverage in my area and that is why I am CDMA. Please think about it.

Anonymous said...

Invite only? Say it isn't so Google. Or at least send me an invite :)

Knight Telekinetic said...

Glad I am a Google Apps user!

Ken said...

Since Google Voice is one of the key features of this phone, the first round of phones is going to current Google Voice users, right? Registered Android developers, too, of course.

sardius said...

Wow... Its nice when good words are used to define important activity. I kinda love the dog food idea.

I think we should come up with something of the sort for the development team .

But what i really want to know right now is the new product.. Google should have a loud mouthed guy on the team who wont mind letting the cat out of the bag so early.

I love google and all their wonderful experiments . its hard to believe they are playing the jack of all trade and not failing at it.

Take the HTC for instance. How come a search engine built that phone.

Unknown said...

I wish Google could include a powerful TV tuner like some China mobileTV handphones.....