Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Travels: Google Maps Navigation now available for Android 1.6

A few weeks ago we launched Google Maps Navigation (Beta) as a free feature of Google Maps on Android 2.0 devices. Today we're expanding availability of Google Maps Navigation to devices running Android 1.6 (Donut) and higher, such as the T-Mobile myTouch 3G and the G1.

Google Maps Navigation is an internet-connected GPS system with voice guidance and automatic rerouting, all running on your mobile phone. Using Google services over your phone's data connection brings important benefits to GPS navigation users, like using Google search (typed or spoken) to enter your destination; fresh map, business, and traffic data; and satellite and Street View imagery along your route.

This release also includes the new Layers feature, which lets you overlay geographical information on the map. View My Maps, transit lines, Wikipedia articles about places, and more.

So if you're traveling this Thanksgiving, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of an internet connection, whether it's free Wi-Fi at the airport or Google Maps Navigation in your car.

If you have a phone running Android 1.6, you can download an updated version of Google Maps from Android Market to use Navigation today. Google Maps Navigation is in beta and is currently available in the United States. Some features of Android 2.0 are not available on Android 1.6, for example, the ability to use the "navigate to" voice command as shown in our demo video. However, you can still create a shortcut that will allow you to launch Navigation and start getting directions to a specific place from your current location with just a single touch from your home screen. For example, you can create a "Home" shortcut to quickly navigate home, no matter where you are. Just use the "Add" menu item from the home screen, then choose "Shortcuts", then "Directions." Please visit our forum to give us feedback, or our Help Center to get help using Google Maps Navigation.


  1. I'm naming my first child Michael Silinski

  2. one of the best thing i love about google... never keep anyone unhappy. a Great Thanks Giving gift to Donut users.

    thank you google.

  3. Thank you very much, I've been waiting a lonnnngg time for this!

  4. You guys rock. Even though I have a CLIQ and Motorola uses 1.5, it's stuff like this that make me love the stuff you do! (It's not like I couldn't upgrade myself)

  5. This will revolutionize the way we get around, making maps easy accessible for everyone. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the guys at Google, you are truly worth your title as the most innovative company in the world!

    Keep up the amazing work that you do!

  6. Can't install. I'm getting a Package file was not signed correctly error. What's going on there?

  7. can we here on the other side of the Atlantic expect this anytime soon?... :)

  8. Yeah, when you're basing a good junk of your earth/maps team here in Zurich, why not give us Europeans some Navigation love?

  9. Thank you Google!! This means a lot, as I have been getting pretty jealous of all the 2.0 users, lets hear it for the early adopters!

  10. And yet here I sit with a Sprint Hero...stuck at 1.5
    Sad...come on HTC...COME ON.

  11. Thank you google, I was a little bitter that since I couldn't get 2.0 I wasn't able to get this. But you guys came through. Me and my G1 are thankful.

  12. wow, this is great! let's hope one day this will come to europe too...

  13. This application is amazing! Thanks for all the hard work all of you put in to bring apps and services to us!

  14. This should have a barcode accompanying it so I can get straight to the app RIGHT NOW... ah well, back to the standard "search" method, it is...

  15. Wow, I wasn't even expecting this! Works great too!

  16. I wished [every night] that Google would make my G1 a GPS Navigator. Google FTW!

  17. OMG I SO LOVE YOU NOW!!!! I thought Ill had to wait until Android 2.0 update comes out..but got us covered!

    Thanks Big G.


  18. Okay, where's the Windows Mobile version?!?!?!

  19. Thanks Google. However, my ADP1 can't seem to install. I'm also getting the "Package file was not signed correctly error". Happy Holidays.

  20. HTC has said that it will be skipping 1.6 and going to 2.0. so don't bank on getting Google Nav for an HTC device any time soon unless they are ready with their 2.0 stuff.

  21. I am also getting "Package file was not signed correctly"

  22. Also getting "Package file not was signed correctly"

  23. Sadly, I can't get it to install on CyanogenMod 4.2.5.

  24. Any plans to port to 1.5 too (another Sprint HTC Hero user)?

  25. The same as others from the other sid of the atlantic ocean. When I try to download (via QR code of an US-android related website, which linked this post already), I get a "package file was not signed correctly" error. Guess that has to do with the fact that you wrote " currently available in the United States", but obviously not in good old Europe. When will we be able to enjoy it too?

  26. Thanks guys, screw you I just purchased CoPilot Live...
    Nice job though

  27. European users intentionally left out? Who decides thats an unimportant market share?

  28. Thanks Google! I sincerely appreciate your efforts, not only to bring this wonderful app to the market, but to make it available so quickly for those of us still running 1.6! I thought I'd have to buy a new phone, but not now! Awesome!!!

  29. Just in time for my trip home! Thanks!

    Will this ever allow pre-loading/caching like AndNav2 or MapDroyd so that it can work without a data connection? There are a lot of roads without a cellular signal or Wi-Fi.

  30. I almost went through the process of flashing this, but you guys released it for us 1.6'ers just in time! You guys really do live up to your reputation and I'm consistently reminded of all the reasons I love Google. Thanks again, we all greatly appreciate it.

  31. And Gmaps Navigation for iPhone? Considering it's superior to any paid GPS apps there, I for one will gladly pay for it although you'll likely release for free, on every mobile platform.

  32. Nice, but we want to have Google Navigation outside the USA!

  33. Yes, one for iphone please. I know you guys are not particularly fond of the folks at Cupertino and AT&T, but you know it would be a sweet implementation with the compass.

  34. "Installation error: Package file was not signed correctly."

    Any clue on what's happening with this?

  35. Mt3g CM 4.2.5 package not signed correctly in LA CA.

  36. Canadians get screwed over again. It's bad enough we still don't have access to paid apps in the Market but now we're left out of navigation as well.

  37. A major fix would make all the difference - when you lay out your trip, Mobile Google needs to download the maps for the whole route. As it is now when you go through a did cell area - you loose your direction info! The satelite works but NO maps - This is back - This is, I believe the major reason to go to TomTom, Garmin, Odyssey etc.

  38. Just loaded it on my MyTouch. It looks great. Started speaking driving directions to me while at home - can't wait to take it for a spin. Screen resolution looks real sharp too. Thanks Google - Love it!

  39. Looks great, can't wait to try it. Google is my BFF, for reals.

  40. Google Android users rejoice! Once again Google proves why open source and free access to software is so successful! I look forward to buying my Chrome OS laptop!

  41. Awesome, please spread the love Down Under soon!

  42. I am naming my next child a google maps ;)

  43. Why release it only in the US? Why the controlled release of 2.0? These are Microsoft style tactics!!! Very disappointing.

  44. I am hoping this will make it's way across the Pacific at some point in time. 2.0 as well if possible. Thank you for your hard work Google. This couldn't have been cheap to produce.

  45. just downloaded it - works beautifully - looks like my garmin is going up on ebay

  46. very nice job Google! Never felt better about making the switch to my Android based G1!

  47. thank you guys ~!! especially for those who is using G1~ like me ~!

  48. Omg, this is the best thing ever since my sons birth. Im keeping my G1 now.

  49. Thanks. Hope it will be available to other countries, especially Singapore soon.

  50. Hello... nice thing, but why not for european? We also like to have Voice-Search and Navigations...!? :-)

  51. Patience fellow Sprint Hero users! HTC has confirmed several times that they are working on updating from 1.5, they just need time to integrate it with Sense. We'll have it shortly!

  52. This is a huge step forward. But you might understand that Europeans start to feel like a "2nd class Android customer"... after voice search ... and now navigation.

    regards from Germany

  53. Any idea when Navigation will be up and running in the UK?

  54. So much love for Google! Eagerly awaiting the European release or at least just Britain - we're such a small island it wouldn't take you long ;)

  55. well... "europeans start to feel like 2nd class customer?"...

    we are "2nd class customer" for google! i'm getting upset day by day because of googles politics...

    google put his fingers in many (under)pants, but still don't satisfy the owner ;-)

    another point is google earth...
    published on iphone but not on googles android!

  56. Please tell me you are porting this over to windows mobile devices for us that have to us MS operating system. Please.......

  57. Please please please relese this in Europe!!!!!!! :)

  58. Can you just tell us why Navigation isn't included for users in the UK please?
    The non Nav version of GMM still gives us directions and has all the POIs.

    Any idea of timescales for UK/EU launches?

  59. We just drove from Boston to Ludlow VT. Not one exit number could be found on the maps. It tells you where to go, but without exit numbers the maps are useless. This could be a personal knowledge issue. That being said the map should be more intuitive

    see this link...

    i live in germany - and it works fine ;-)

  61. Thanks, guys..

    For Christmas, can G1 users get 2.0?



  62. This is great news...way to go, Google! You guys have revolutionized computing across so many platforms. Please, PLEASE release a version of Navigation for Symbian S60!! I'm holding my breath.

  63. Wow...glad I got a DROID. I almost got a HERO (gasp)

  64. CANADA! Please! Even just Toronto. It would help me so much!

  65. 3.2.1 installation from market is repeatedly unsuccessful...message: "Package file was not signed correctly." anyone know a direct apk download? thanks

  66. Looking forward to the "Package not signed correctly" issue to be fixed.... (I'm in Albuquerque but it's still the USA LOL).

    I imagine that the export of data comes under very strict laws on both the US's end for exporting it and *your country here* on importing it. (No one can deny there are certainly governments who would no want to trust our data let alone let Google in to do mapping!) Some places try and block street-view mapping because of security, some find it a gross breech of privacy, etc.

    Pretty certain that if Google could you bet they would give it to everyone! No one is more aware than Google of how much more money they could be making, to be sure. Just something to think about.

  67. Worked decent for me with voice directions while driving to work today.

  68. I have 1.6 and i keep getting an error that the package was not signed correctly so I cannot use the Navigation. Please assist.

  69. when is the rest of the world going to get in on the action?

  70. Why is everyone showing so much love?! Am I the only one who read the part that we didn't get the full map/gps update?! I don't want a half a** app update. I want the full 2.0!

  71. Android phones Home Page

  72. We need it in the UK...asap!!!

    Great work google.


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