Friday, October 16, 2009

Make your web pages and applications Go Mobile too

We wouldn't be Google if we had a whole week of tips and tricks about all things mobile without giving a nod to the technical crowd. To conclude our week, we're asking you to "Go Mobile!" by making the mobile web faster. Read our article for a collection of best practices, tips, and resources for mobile web developers, part of our initiative at


  1. Clicking on the second link leads to

    when you probably mean:

  2. Thank you MathiasTCK, corrected

  3. What is the UA string for Android's browser?


  4. Hayden there are many different phones and non phone devices that run Android, and I am pretty sure they each have their own user agent.

    I'd check wurfl if I were you.

  5. @hayden, MathiasTCK is correct, there are many different Android phones that might change the UA string depending on browser release. This is the user agent string [1] for Android Cupcake version. If you wanted to detect for Android, though, I would simply match on the "Android" string.

    [1] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 0.5; en-us) AppleWebKit/522+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3


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