Cloud printing on the go

Monday, January 24, 2011 | 10:00 AM

(Cross-posted on the Docs Blog and Gmail Blog.)

Back in April 2010 we announced Google Cloud Print, a service that in Beta allows printing from any app on any device, OS or browser without the need to install any software. Just last month we opened Google Cloud Print to users in the Chrome notebook pilot program. Today we are very pleased to announce the beta launch of Google Cloud Print for mobile documents and Gmail for mobile, which we will be rolling out to users throughout the next few days.

Imagine printing an important document from your smartphone on the way to work and finding the printout waiting for you when you walk in the door. Just open a document in Google Docs or an email in Gmail in your mobile browser and choose “Print” from the dropdown menu in the top right corner. You can also print certain kinds of email attachments (such as .pdf or .doc) by clicking the “Print” link that appears next to them.

This feature will be rolling out today and tomorrow for English speaking users in the US and will work on most phones that support HTML5, such as devices running Android 2.1+ and iOS 3+. To get started, you’ll need to connect your printer to Google Cloud Print. This step requires a Windows PC for now, but Linux and Mac support are coming soon. You can learn more at the Google Cloud Print help center.

Happy printing!


phoenix180 said...

This is going to be fantastic!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Can't wait till the integration with native Android Gmail app!

Unknown said...

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Hetal Patel said...

Why we need Apple Products for Demostration can not we trust on Android of Chrome OS


jonandrachel said...

This is AWESOME!!!

cedric said...

I am not in US, and my gmail mobile was even in french, but I already have the print option and it WORKED...
... well almost : I got the printed mail in my print queue on Chrome on my PC, it just did not print on my printer. But hey, this is just my first try)

(printed from android 2.2.1 on Galaxy S, received on Chrome beta)

Scott Breitbach said...

Two minor issues:

1) Please integrate into gmail app

2) When I hold my phone (Droid X) in landscape view, I can't see the bottom of the list (i.e. it cuts off "Mark as unread" and half of "Print")

Michael Pastushkov said...

Printing through the cloud is great, for everything else including direct printing over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, use PrinterShare.

Tenkely said...

So awesome.

Jerry Meyer said...

Looks awesome! Can't wait to use it in November, when I'm eligible to upgrade phone from 1.6 .....

Unknown said...

will it work with android 2.1 ??

Unknown said...

I know this is a first step, but frequently I need to print something on a printer that is not mine. Some way to be able to share a printer with other Google accounts is needed

fishingmaniac said...

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Unknown said...

"a service that in Beta allows printing from any app on any device, OS or browser"

"Just open a document in Google Docs or an email in Gmail"

So, not really from any app on any device...

fishingmaniac said...

Yes, it works with my iPhone now when using gmail in safari. Are there other ways to use it on a phone?

fishingmaniac said...

I guess the iPhone work around is to take a picture/snapshot or forward emails from other email accounts to your gmail account and then print it from gmail in safari. HP cloud print gives you a unique email addy to send print jobs to. Makes it nice to use the "send to" feature in browsers or the "forward to" feature in email apps. Also even though my printer is connected wirelessly, I guess that Google cloud print won't print unless I leave the computer I registered with turned on...

wezlo said...

I can't share my printers - in the printer manager window all I can do is "delete" them... anyone else having that problem?

FewClues said...

Switching back to Firefox, looking for a new mail portal. I am sick and tired of having to wait a year or two to have the linux version made available.

The hot new apps are released to Windows and Android. This removes any incentive to migrate to Linux. And it happens constantly. Google is supposed to be Linux based but the apps are always done in windows because of market potential -- wait they don't sell these - they just control the Linux market with them.

Dustin said...

Ready for the linux version.

rlocone said...

Works perfect on HTC EVO, Chrome 9.0.597.67 beta, Dell Color Laser 2130cn. Even in duplex mode!

Unknown said...

We are working on allowing users to share their printers with other Google accounts. Please stay tuned.

Google Cloud Print developer.

Vijay said...

Nobody has seen the Office Space reference?

Kellic said...

*sighs* I want a Chrome Stealthbook damn it!! I would test the heck out of that thing.

Unknown said...

Are there any plans to allow Blackberry 6 devices to use the HTML5 interfaces?

Now that they use a webkit browser it seems like it would have been switched sometime after it was released in Sept(or so).

Joe Kane said...

Amazing Guys - loads of possibilities - Working great on Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.2.1

Unknown said...

Worked great for me. Very Happy, will be so useful for work, especially if I'm in a trial.

Kevin I CHAPPLE said...

Works okay in the UK (hey, that rhymes!).
Well done Google, you're gradually taking the world :-)

drrjv said...

Works with iPhone 4. Set up printer using Chrome on a Mac running Parallels.

Anonymous said...

This is going to skyrocket the paper price. Google, had you adquired any paper factory lately?

Roshan Joshi said...

when will Mac be supported?

Unknown said...

Please soon develop a firefox add on, or something, or just a standalone printer program that does it. I mean, chrome is okay, but I prefer firefox, no offense.

Unknown said...

Wow Amazing just printed a PDF from my Evo, My wife was near the computer, and suddenly the Printer starts printing.. I was in my bed laughing she didn't know what the hell happened, I told her two words Google Cloud..

Just One Person said...

works fine from the Nexus One (which is still waiting for Gingerbread)

Sanket Patel said...

This Going To Be Fantastic

Patrick Steehler said...

Office Space, I know, huh? Way too geeky here for me. Have to have humor.

Teri said...

Yayzers! I was just thinking about this the other day. Can't wait for the Linux version.

Unknown said...

Just switched to Linux Ubuntu 10.10 and will probably stick to it since it is much more responsive, stable and pretty easy to manage. And since more and more of my work and data are web-based and don't need Windows massive overhead.
So... looking forward to "cloud-printing" eagerly

Alan Robertson said...

sounds like a great idea but sadly even the test print from Chrome doesn't work - just gets stuck on 'queued'

adam01 said...

i'm in China ,does it mean i can't use this function? said...


Un article disponible sur le à l'adresse suivante
bonne lecture

Vikramthouta said...

Hello Google..

I appreciate your idea of google cloud print.

I strongly feel lot of paper will be wasted, atleast milions of people will try the new app and that means million papers are wasted.

Why google is turning out to be a non eco friendly company.

Please develop some green cloud print like same paper can be erased and printed again.

I hope Google can do this, as it very innovative.

Green environment aspirant,
Vikram from India.

Merlin said...

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Dani Gálvez said...

Guy, do you know that this is already invented? At the moment HP Printers are webconnected and just sending an e-mail to the e-mail adreess of your printer, you can print attachments. Without Apps in your smartphone, from each stuff that could send an e-mail, and without any PC connected to the printer. So... I don't see the point

Wisam said...

Works very well on EVO 4G running CM 7.0. (Gignerbread 2.3)
I would expect Google to post screen shots from Android phone not iPhone.

Bob Mudford said...

It's a very clever idea but I'm not sure of its utility.

So I'm at work or on the road and I decide to print a couple of pagers on my home printer. I do so and they are printed out when I get home.

Of course my PC and printer both have to be left switched an and connected to the net at home - which I wouldn't normally do unless I'd left something running.

But anyway, I get home and there are my couple of pages waiting for me. But how much time have I saved?

As everything is already switched on there is no boot time benefit so I've only saved the time to sit down at the PC, find the doc, press print and print it. Total time saved? A minute? Two minutes?

As I said it's a cool demonstration of the cloud and technology - but I'm not sure how much it does for me.


Caroff said...

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nofortee said...

Can't wait to try it on my android phone.

Mr. Boroda said...

Not working in Ukraine :(

txguy9112 said...

i cant get it to work on my pc or my iphone dont know whats up i set it up like it said but it never printed a test page i got stuck there please help

txguy9112 said...

ok i got it to work on my pc but dont know how to get it to work on apple iphone if ne could help me thanks.

txguy9112 said...

ok i got it to work on my pc but dont know how to get it to work on apple iphone if ne could help me thanks.

Unknown said...

No explicit mention of Blackberry support.... this has me worried.

Ahmed Eltawil said...

Hey Google,

You have a mobile operating system called Android. Stop using iOS for screenshots and mobile demonstrations. It's embarrassing.

Best Regards,
An Android User

Unknown said...

Hot launch applications on Windows and Android. This eliminates any incentive to move to Linux. And it happens constantly. Google is supposed to be based on Linux but applications are always on the windows because of the potential market - are not expected to sell these - they just control the Linux market with them.
full color brochure printing

Epicurious said...

Shocked at the few number of people noticed the Office Space reference..

Someone make sure they get a copy of the memo.. cause we're using the new cover sheets now..

Todor the terrible said...

Can anybody tell me, could i use my tattoo with android 1.6 for printing with cloudprint ???

Unknown said...

It screwed up my printer, Kodak esp 7250, with win 7 on my lap top, my printer would not work at all, had to restore my computer to yesterday for it to wk. The worst part it was impossible to try and get help from Google, very disappointing. Hopefully better out of beta.

Unknown said...

When is this rolling out to Australian Android phones? I am using HTC Desire running 2.2.

Christof said...

it works perfectly with my normail gmail account but it DOESN"T WORK with my google apps premier account. Any help?

Arkay Em said...

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Arkay Em said...

1. Will this work outside the US?

2. Will this work from a mobile phone using Symbian OS?

3. If already there are printers on the phone (like HP) does this printer show up as "cloud Printer" or something

Unknown said...

Cristof, Google Apps accounts are supported if the following conditions are true:

1. You converted it to the new infratructure(

2. The Google Talk service is enabled for that domain and for the account.

- Google Cloud Print Developer.

Unknown said...

My printer is connected and printed out the Google Cloud test page, but my Nexus One does not have "print" on the drop-down menu on GMail. How do I make this work?

Unknown said...

Electa, just to clarify, the dropdown shows up in Gmail in the browser on your phone, not in the native Android Gmail app. Also, the feature is being rolled out to US users and it may take a few days before all users see it.

Unknown said...

I don't seem to see the drop down button in GoogleDocs.

I opened an excel sheet and all I see in the top right corner is "All Docs" and the number of rows displayed in a page...

I do see the drop down in my email.

Did I need to activate something else?

Unknown said...

Also, just to add that I'm using Android 2.2.1

Unknown said...

When I open up Gmail in any of three browsers (stock, Dolphin Browswer and Opera) on my Droid, I do not see anything like the iOS screenshots. In otherwords, I don't even have a dropdown option. I only see links at the bottom of the page to reply, forward, etc. No printing option is to be seen. Am I doing something wrong?

I am running 2.2.1.

Unknown said...


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Denier said...

Alright, so lemme get this straight: as of early Feb. 2011 Google Cloud Print only works (1) from mobile web-based Gmail (i.e. no Gmail app or desktop Chrome browser) and only if (2) Chrome has been started on the proxy computer? Is that so?